
Best friend... help.?

by  |  earlier

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im going to tell the whole story, because it doesn't make sense as it is, so i may give you every detail I know.

so yesterday-

I called her at like 9am, and she said she would call me back, because she was on the other line with her dad. she never did actually call me back. I invited her to go to this zoo thing at the library, because I was babysitting & we going, and she loves animals.

but she had a doctor appointment & didn't know how long that was going to last. I text her a couple more times during the day, never back anything. When I got to work one of the people there said they saw her here [hyvee] with her boyfriend. I didn't ask what time.

I called her on my break [no answer], I text her and asked if she wanted to go to walmart with me when I was done with work [no answer]... then I called her when I was done with work [no answer]. She was myspace when I got home, but she never responded to any of my comments. I left her a couple of voicemail, and finally she





  1. I've been through the same thing. What i did was that I gave her some space and I just waited till whatever was going on to finish and she was herself again. so i suggest to just give her some space and wait for her to talk to you again. Oh and i bet she knows that you care about her by sending her all those texts and calls. so dont worry about that part. I wish you both the best!:]

    good Luck!:]

  2. She sounds like shes going through a really stressful time right now, and if shes shutting you out, theres really not much you can do except be there for her if she needs you.

    I do find it quite odd that she would change her myspace because of this, as it will obviously lead to questions, which is maybe what she wants, a little attention.

    Just let her know that you and all her friends are there for her, and suggest going out as a group - less awkward than just the two of you- sometimes to cheer her up.

    I know shes your best friend, but sometimes everyone has a battle they need to fight alone.

    Good luck x

  3. I believe your friend is caught up with something and i believe it has nothing to do with you..

    But if it does.. Then i believe that the best thing you could do now is give your friend some space.

  4. It sounds like something happened to her in her personal life. Send her a box of chocolates (or her favorite candy) and a note saying how much she means to you, but don't try to contact her too much. She probably wants to be left alone.

  5. she must be really busy or has something on her mind but you just need to give her a break just let the situation marinade for a few days and see what happens
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