
Best friend poem...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not that good of a writer, but I tried to put my heart in to this.:S

I'm sorry,

I'm sorry that the time has come

For me to leave you, my best friend.

I hope you understand why?

I hope you remember the smiles, the tears

&& the endless laughs

twelve years will never leave our minds

twelve years of a best friend,that only god could give me you.I hope you don't fill with hate when we say goodbye, just remember the times, I will be there for you when ever you need, a shoulder to cry on, or some one to just talk to.

When you call for me ill be right there, This goodbye will no be easy, For ever you will be my best friend that I will always stand by, when you want to give up I'm here, god blessed me with a best friend thats you.




  1. Hi,

    It's cute, I think it'd be better as a song, if you ask me.

    It's cute, I thought it was pretty good.

    Sounds like its based on a true story, eh?

    Haha ok, good job, and good luck with writing!

    xoxo <333

    luv ya,


  2. A fine soliloquy, but not quite poetry.
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