
Best friend question .PLZ help me! Its a bad situation.?

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Hey guys i have a problem. A big hairy problem. My best friend Matt Wenher has a unibrow. I feel like its really cumming between us. Its kind of ruining our relationship. I have these urges to shave it off, but i dont know if he knows he realizes its that bad. The worst part is that he thinks girls like him but they just talk to him becaus they want to see it move. I need some serioousl help... This guy looks like frida Kahlo! No lie This situation is getting really sticky or should i say hairy. What should I do?




  1. just tell him. its better he hear it from a friend before he eventually hears it from an enemy.

  2. just tell him straight up

    maybe he will understand

  3. make a joke out of it

    just talk about it and say do you ever think of shaving it? then sort of giggle a bit. or say you know, i think that girls would like u more without a unibrow

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