
Best friend says she needs a "break" (i'm a guy)?

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My best friend says she needed a break last night. She says she wants me to try to not text her much and not call her this week. We've been best friends since school got out, and were planning on dating when she turns 16. She said that we can't always be texting/talking on the phone and always hanging out. So i guess my question this really only going to be a week? Is she just sick of me? Should I still txt her sometimes? Hang out with her at school?.... If anyone really understands how to explain this to me better, that would really be appreciated.




  1. u actually need to leave her alone for somtime and then patch up but this time a little to her but not till that extent that she starts facing probs.

  2. dont text her if she desnt want to or shes not going to text back and try hanging out with you less and hopefully she'll realize how mature its made you and how much she misses you!

  3. It may perhaps be too early to think about all these questions. When your best friend requests for a "break" you may give the same and see!

  4. Take some action. Ask some women out.  Because it sort of looks like you're boring and she wants a break.

    Bottom line a man calls the shots, a mouse lets the woman make the decisions.

    Avoid her and give her the break she wants. Find some other activities for yourself, in other words, work on yourself, be independent, be a man. Find a girlfriend of your own.

    And if your best friend wants to see you later, maybe you can work it in between all of the other new activities you have and the new women, but don't be too accomodating.

    Guarantee you the women are there but you dont see them because you are blinded, hanging with this "best friend" hoping to hook up with her some day.

    Best friends is ok. Girlfriends are even nicer.

  5. You are becoming clingy, and most girls find this unattractive. the best thing to do is take things slow, and act like you dont care even if you do. (this worked for me =) )

  6. My best friend of 15 years is a guy.

    I think that she just needs some space and you should give it to her. She will come around. She may be dealing with issues that I had in the past.

    -Sometimes guys just don't understand things that we go through.

    -She may be hormonal right now.

    -She may like a another guy, but it may be hard for him to see past your close friendship.

    I would give her a week off, but continue to be a good friend to her when she needs one.She loves you. She may just need some time!

  7. Well, I think your best friend is acting mature. Its not about she disliking u now, she is just trying not to depend too much on u, cause its not practical, over possessiveness will harm both of u. So trust me, what she is doing is right, and u dont need to worry right now. Just give her some time and space, she asked not to text her "much" she didnt ask u to stop texting ;) So u can text her sometimes, and yes, she's right that u cant be hanging out all the time. If things dont change after a week, and if u feel she's trying to avoid u, then talk to her frankly.  

  8. More than likely this is the case :  if you  text/call her to much try laying off of this so much okay? dating or not  remeber  girls NEED space..  hang out with her sometimes not to much itll feel  sorta like your stalking her... dont ignore her but lay off it you know girls do like more than text and calls... one of these days after doing this give her   13 roses and one fake rose  and tell her (if your planing on staying together) "ill love you untill the last one dies" then point out the fake rose that can not die-- its always sweet or wright a  love letter with that? i hope i helpt

  9. um

    shes probably just sick of you

    she doesnt want to end it entirely and loose a great friendsship but your probably just too much for her at the moment

    the constant calling and texting? shes probably over it and just doesn't feel like being in constant contact

    your being cllingy and she just needs a bit of space

    im sure youll be mates again

    sorry to have to say all this :(


    BYE :)

  11. Back off and give her the opportunity to contact you.  After so much time has passed you will know that she just does not want a friendship with you anymore.

  12. It's possible that you were overdoing it with her.  If this is your first gf and all, you might have been giving her no space to breathe.  Take her at her word and leave her be for the week.  Don't text , don't call.  She'll probably get in touch with you before the week is over.  Once the week is done though, don't text and call as much as you were.  Good luck!

  13. You answered your own question.

    She says she needs a break for a week.

    If you were smart, you would acknowledge your pain, acknowledge her rights, leave her alone.

    Because if you don't respect her request, don't count on your plan to date when she turns 16.

    Good luck.

  14. Hi...sounds like she needs some space.  Let her fly - if she's meant for you, she'll come back...  In the meantime, you need to get on with life.  Spend time with other friends, both gals and guys...!

  15. Dude, it sounds like you may be suffocating her.   So, she's 15 right?  give her some space.   Don't text her or call her.  If she really likes you, she will contact you.   I understand she may be your "best friend" but I think you are taking it as more than that.   Just let her be for awhile and if she wants to date you she will let you know.

  16. maybe she was on her period or something

    just let her do what she wants, and she'll come back to you.

    or maybe her parents don't like it that you two hang out a LOT

  17. I think she'll come back around.

    Mine told me she needed a break and she came back to me within a week. You gotta love the female mind in its perplexity, don't you, son?

  18. your smothering her too much, you need to let go of her man, theres other chics in the world

  19. Hi, I'm a girl. This is usually a nice way to say, I don't want to see you any more. Others may say, I need my space, or I need some time to work out who I am. Maybe she feels that while you are always with her, no other boys will show interest in her. If you have been good mates for a while, she will realise you are her best friend. She is very young, give her time. There are a lot of creeps out there.

  20. Just give her a little space.

    Surre you can talk in school but dude no need to be clingy.

  21. Alright, here's the deal my friend.

    Ignore her unless she happens to be in the same space. If she calls, answer the phone. If she texts, text her back. If you see her, smile and be polite. But go ahead and play her game. Stop smothering and see if she really likes you dude. Just trust me. If she really wants you in her life, she will make time. But you will push her away if you don't stop. Find something else to do with your time so you aren't always thinking about her. Go out with friends, etc etc. If she sees that you have your own active life and you don't necessarily need her in it, she will either want you back or she'll be done. If she's done, you saved yourself a ton of pain and rejection in the long run.

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