
Best friend scrapbook?

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im going to make a scrapbook with all my friends in

i havent made a scrapbook before so im pretty excited bout this.

i dont want to messs it up.

do yeww have any i deas about it and wahat i should do or any quotes about friends




  1. Friends are your second family that you chose by yourself.

    At least I like to think of them that way.

  2. it really isn't a good idea to create a scrapbook for your friends coz like, for instance, imagine you and your friend had a fight right? and she wrote on your scrapbook would want to rip her page out but then what happens if you become friends with her again? what will you tell her? it really isn't a good idea

  3. oh sounds so fun! I know just what you mean about not wanting to mess it up but you just have to shake off your fear and jump in and start do a page or maybe two pages a day so that you dont get tired of it and starting being lazy and making mistakes.

    Start in time order, pics from when you were little (if any) up untill present day pictures.

    If it is possible I allways think it is cute to make the last page pictures of making the scrapbook.

    remember to do lots of cute paper and stickers.

    Try going to your local craft store.

    for quotes poems ideas and more go to


  4. Yeah.

    Maybe you should wait for 5 years, then see who your real friends are :)

  5. check these out >>>

    hope it helps

  6. i think you should put this quote

          ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœGood friends are like stars.... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there”

  7. ask for a bunch of pictures from your friends and family and glue them into the scrap book

  8. I once made a scrapbook for a friend's birthday that she loved.  It's made out of a long strip of rectangular paper (not your traditional scrapbook).  What you do is get a long strip of paper (let's say, 5 x 30 inches), and fold it into squares (so that it's kind of like an accordion).  You can decorate each square on one side of the paper, so that the scrapbook can be folded up like a book or hung on the wall.  As for quotes, you could do quotes that match with each page's theme, or quotes that were said when the picture was taken.  I hope it comes out nicely :)

  9. I know I am older than you, but I thought I might be able to help. I created an album a few years back and its an album that I can add to as my friendships grow, blossom and I meet new people.

    I started out creating sections in my scrapbook. I have one for childhood friendships, one for school/teen friendships and one for my adult hood friendships.

    I even included a section called "special acquaintances" which was for friends that impacted my life in some way even though we might not actually be friends.

    I did include pages and pictures (when possible) of friendships that had gone sour, but I journaled about what I liked about them, what was special about them and why it went bad...what happened. I made the album with page protectors and slide the completed pages in back to back, and if I ever need to remove a page, or add to it, I can.

    I did have to remove a page about a year ago, because a friend I had since high-school did something terrible to my family and we no longer speak, so I couldn't have her in there anymore. (yes, it was that bad). It took a lot of soul searching though, to decide to remove it.

    I created each page with the friends name and then the subtitle was a friendship quote I found that reminded me of them. I did most of the journaling on the page in a sort of question and answer style. (How did we meet: We met in 11th grade in Mr. Smith's English class. We had to work on a project together and we wound up becoming great friends.

    Am I still friends with this person: Yes. We have known each other for 12 years and while we don't see each other as often as we'd like, we still stay in touch constantly.)

    I included a variety of pictures that I had of the person, from school pictures to candid shots. I journaled about where they are today, when and how often we see each other, and then I did a quick paragraph that was kinda like a letter to them.

    (Kim, you have been a friend through thick and thin, and while we might not see each other very often anymore, I can still see those funny hair colors, hear your infectious lauging and remember all the vacations our families took together. I am so happy to still call you a friend and have you be a part of my life.) - okay so they were usually much longer and more detailed than that.

    If you make the pages back to back, it forms a pocket between the two pages. I have actually kept loads of memorabilia and letters from my friends and I just stuffed them between the pages. This way, I have everything in one place.

    I hope these ideas help you get started. Please don't let others scare you off by telling you - what if you're not friends anymore, etc. Celebrating friendships is important, even if someday you aren't friends anymore.

  10. I am a mad scrapbooker and have been scrapping for around 8 years off and on. I get my best inspiration from just getting scrapbooking mags from the library or the news agent and borrow on others creativity and the honesty they put into their journelling. After a while of reading others work you begin to be able to journal easily and let all your heartfelt honesty pour out

  11. Here are some websites that will help and also there's a good one for albums, it says wedding albums but actually has all types.  http://scrapbookweddingalbums.blogspot.c...


  12. I think you should decorate the pages with photos, captions, and decorations that express wat u and ur friends love and like.

  13. Check out your library for books and magazines on scrapbooking.

    use good cardstock for your layouts. And get a paper trimmer to cut the photos and paper.
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