
Best golf tip I ever received..?

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The slice is obviously the most undesired yet most common ball flight in golf.. I got a tip from my coach who is rated one of the top 100 teachers in the world...This info is priceless...Do this experiment.. find a place in your home that has a window you can look out of, stand about 10 or so feet behind it.. Set a golf ball down inline with a spot on the window... Pick a target outside of the window in the distance as well...Notice what happens when you move to the left as if you were going to address the golf ball. The close target(window) moves right, while the target in the distance moves left...The perspective of the target changes when you address the ball..This is a trick your eyes play on you.. To hit the ball to your close target, you have to swing onplane and from the inside.. What I've noticed is that a straight shot looks like a big arcing draw from standing to the side of the ball. It's about trusting your alignment to the close target and hitting it through there..




  1. The best tip I ever got was to quit trying to hit every shot as hard as I can.Learn to play half and three quarter shots with every club in your bag.You will be surprised how much control you gain when you learn to do this and your scores and consistency will improve dramatically.

  2. great tip thanks!

  3. Thanks, I'll try it.

  4. Thank you   I'm not a slicer but very informative.  I did it right a way  WOW

  5. Great tip, another great tip for slicers, stand parallel to the target line, thats everything from your feet, knees, hips and shoulders, now the fun part, now shift everything right of the target slightly, yes, right.... (if your a right handed golfer, left if your a lefty) I know, your saying, why should I aim right of the target if im slicing to the right to begin with. Try it, it works, go to the driving range and watch the ball draw for the first time.  by the end of a bucket of balls you will fix your slice. But you have to TRUST your shoot. Happy golfing.

  6. wow amazing tip thanks . i do not have a slice anymore but this i can teach my friends with a slice. awesome thanks again.

  7. I cannot wait to share this tip with all of the golfers in my life.  Thanks!

  8. That is truly amazing! You need to give that PRO a big tip for his tip!

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