
Best hair & make-up for this outfit...?

by Guest65253  |  earlier

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I've got a night out coming up fairly soon and I've got the outfit sorted, but I'm completely stuck on what to do with my hair & make-up!

The outfit is a black bodice on top, and a black with white detailing, high-waisted puffball skirt (I'll be wearing it with black tights & black heels).




  1. If the dress or top is strapless or noodle strap you can wear your hair down to balance it out. If it has thick straps or short or long sleeves, wear it up in a high ponytail. I wouldn't wear much more make up than your used too.

  2. I think your hair would look good tied up not left down with the outfit you are planning on wearing. Maybe tied back loosely with some lose wavy curls?

    For your make up try to find a nice colored eye shadow that makes your eyes stand out but does not clash with your outfit. With brown eyes i think smokey eyes would look good with the hairstyle and clothes. Maybe a dark blue/dark grey eye shadow made into smokey eyes with mascara and eyeliner. Good luck hope you have a good night x

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