
Best hangover cures?

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When i've been out drinking i always feel incredibly sick for the whole of the next day

hardly ever get a headache

just feel really really sick, and nothing i eat or drink helps!

Is there a way to get rid of this?

and what should i avoid drinking on a night out so i don't feel as sick the next day?




  1. after a night on the booze remember to drink 2 pints of water before you go to bed to rehydrate your system while you sleep that does it, its tough but it works.

  2. you should take tylonel... drink pedialite, and eat like bread, crackers, any carbs are good...nothing with too many smells that will make you sick! If you go home drunk... set your alarm for like 4 hours later wake up take the tylonel and go back to sleep and the next day just drink works wayyy better than gatorade!!! hope this helps you

  3. the best cure ever is.... don't drink alcohol

    I stopped drink the stuff a few years ago and ... not one hangover since.

  4. Eat a banana it should do the trick. Also eat some honey as it restores the sugar levels you have lost while drinking.

  5. hi.. all you need is to drink ASPIRIN before you sleep,

    or while drinking alcohol pair it with some food.

    or since alcohol is a depressant, you might want to drink

    COFFEE since this is a stimulant... =)

  6. alkaseltzer.  then a small greasy meal.

  7. Drink lots of water to re-hydrate youself and eat foods high in vitamins,,fruit and veg for example,,Time of course is the best healer...

  8. Drink plenty of fluids and take some paracetamol. And rest :]

  9. Hair of the dog! Works wonders.

  10. There's only one true cure....don't drink so much to get drunk! When drinking alcohol, also drink a glass of water between drinks as well as a couple of drinks of water before bed. The reason you feel so bad is that you are badly dehydrated from the alcohol.

  11. take zantag tablets works a treat, or force your self to have a hot drink and two slices of toast before you go to bed, this will line your stomach and you will be okay in the morning

    regards x kitti x

  12. UMmm...Don't drink?

  13. Have a bloody Mary afterwords will work like magic.

  14. ah, first thing would be dont drink as much, but really who does that?

    what works for me is a cheeseburger and a bottle of powerade/gaterade before bed

    and a cheeseburger and a bottle of powerade/gatorade when you wake up

    i think the cheeseburger does little and the electrolytes etc in the sports drinks have the heeling stuff

    i was reading the other posts and am hoping this person was joking, cos aspirin before you sleep ie whilst ure still drunk is probably the worst thing you could possibly do "Aspirin upsets the stomach and aggravates the symptoms of a hangover", oh and coffee and other caffeine drinks will make you feel really bad as well  "since they are diuretic, and will aggravate dehydration"

    yeah so basically dont do this

    "hi.. all you need is to drink ASPIRIN before you sleep,

    or while drinking alcohol pair it with some food.

    or since alcohol is a depressant, you might want to drink

    COFFEE since this is a stimulant... =)


    i got this from a TV Show, i think its Oprah"

    oprah must be off her game if its true


    basically bulk fluid and vitamins and the like

    does the job for me

    also the darker and cheaper the drink the worse the hangover is going to be... so vodka gin and white wine are the ways to go

  15. rehab..if you drink poison once and it makes you sick ..then you do it have a problem. Most people dont do things that make them sick twice

  16. cough cough.. the green stuff... cough

  17. Don't get drunk in the first place. It's the consequence you have to live with.

  18. always try & drink a pint of water before you go to sleep, always works no hangover in the morning...

  19. maybe change your drink or if its wine water it down with soda water?make sure when going out that you eat and do not booze on an empty stomach?drink a Glass of water when you go to bed leave one by the bed side?if persists see your GP as you may have a small ulcer and it gets irritated with the booze do not worry as this can be corrected with medication if you see about it?

  20. try some resolve its pretty good.

  21. don't drink booze drink something else.

  22. A while ago I would have recommended

    get up




    go back to bed

    but now I would highly recommend Berocca dissolved in a pint of water. one before you go to sleep and one when you wake up. And by far the best way to cope is to be unconscious throughout.
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