
Best hotel location in paris for nightlife?

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Iam looking to a hotel in paris which is close to attraction and the best nightlife in the city, restaurants bars, nightclubs

thanks in advance




  1. If your nightlife style is

    upscale, expensive, hard to get into: Around Goerge cinq

    Parisian: Around Rue Mufftard (mainly bars)

    Crowded, upbeat, hip:  Around Bastill

    American style: Near the main Gallery Lafayett

    In most of them you can party till sun comes up.

  2. Just about any place in the northern part of the 5th or 6th arrondissments or around the Place de la Bastille in the 4th.

  3. hi friend,

    have u tried myparishotl..anyhow i have also same problem where to find best location and hotel for night life.i got a site where can i get right suggestions and hotel booking facility at any place in paris.which is safe before you come for paris night life.they have excelent customer service and guidelines

    i would suggest you this ..anyhow click here and will take you desired infomation   ...all the best!!

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