
Best hours and days for preschool??

by Guest60370  |  earlier

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I am wondering what would be the absolute ideal hours and days/times per week that would be, in your opinion, the best for preschool.





  1. I have a 3 year old and I think that having preschool times from 9-1 would work out well for my family. Now if you are talking more about daycare then 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. seems to be the norm.  

  2. I think 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. are the most ideal preschool hours and Monday - Wednesday are the best days.

  3. Monday- Wednesday-Friday from 8am-12pm.

    Typically after the students eat lunch they have nap time from 12-2 and then free play in the afternoon.

  4. This is going to be different for different ages.  I have worked at a preschool for many years.  Two days a week for a two or three year old are good--also mornings I think are best.  They are most alert:  9:00-11/11:30, or 12:00.

    For three year olds you could even go up to three days a week.  For four year olds three days a week or more is good.  I still feel morning hours are good. Little children play hard--they are going to get tired.

    As to which days are best I don't know if there is a specific answer for that.  Each person is going to have a different preference.  At our school Mon/Wed/Fri is Pre-K and Tue/Thur is for the threes.  

    Good luck.

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