
Best in Bed? ? ? Black white or mexican asian, :P ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Should not matter if in relationship or marriage once nature kicks in and it does you will not want to worry about that it does take its course.

    I see time and time again people base relationships too much on the physical and nothing else that too me tells me those people are really not in a relationship and are missing way too much in life and are way way too shallow and have nothing else to offer than the physical.  

  2. you cant stereotype, thats ridiculus

  3. it's not about the color of your skin or the size of your equipment, it's all about how you use what you got.

  4. White people of course. Blacks & Mexicans just want to rape and Asian men have got small *****.

  5. thats stupid lol...

    but im gna go with neither

    PERSIANS ARE THE BEST !!!!!!!! !

  6. dude, it's the mexicans (no racism or anything) but it's true they are the best in bed!

  7. none of the above.

    The African Bull Elephant beats all hands down

    of course you'd have to be into beastiality I guess for that to work.  And you wouldn't want an elephant in your bed.. they leave big giant piles of messes on your sheets.

    If you have to choose from your options, it would obviously be white.  Biggest, best and this answer is biased.

    ...on second thought... stick with the elephant, you can't go wrong

  8. i don't think the colour matters.

    everyones different.

    sorry to be boring but they are..

  9. Go with a Persian elephant and you will make two people happy here!

  10. its not about color.

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