
Best internet browser?

by Guest31992  |  earlier

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I am currently using Opera 9.52 but I have heard good things about Firefox 3, can anyone compare the two that have used both? thanks any help is much appreciated!




  1. Firefox 3 easily.  It is much more reliable than Internet Explorer.

  2. firefox! :D i love the add-ons and its not complicated to use! :)

  3. If you like things simple Opera, if you like to customize everything and have add-ons and such Firefox 3. Firefox 3 has slightly better security too.

  4. Firefox 3 is the best.

  5. firefox rocksssssssssssss.

    add ons is the best feature available with firefox.

  6. i like explorer. i kinda hate firefox, but i dont really know why.

    well anyway explorer does it for me.

  7. Safari - Mac

    FireFox 3 - Mac 2nd

    FireFox 2 - Windows

    Opera - Windows 2nd Best

    Firefox 3 has bugs in Vista and a little in XP

    IE7 SUCKS!!!!

  8. After those hot blog posts regarding the Firefox 3 Browser, I got so curious what is in the browsers that make people really crazy over them. I do hope I can get some opinion about those reasons.

    For me, nothing much really matter or maybe am I too ignorant on browsers to notice the differences? I have to admit I used them interchangeably and I do have all of them in my laptop. But most of the time, I stick with Opera, even in the mobile phones because I find Opera really good with an automatic saving feature of the last pages or websites visited even the PC or laptop shutsdown without notice.

    This is what I read about browsers from a post i like. See more of this topic from

  9. i used both.

    I personally like opera 9.5 better because it looks better and i feel its just a better browser. But i have switched to firefox 3 all because of the addons. I really like how you have have the whole addon features to firefox when opera its just wegits..
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