
Best invention ever? What do you think?

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What invention would be the hardest to live without? Which helped us the most?

- Wheel

- TV

- Light

- Phone?





  1. In today's world of advanced technology I believe the invention of the synchronous A.C. motor by Nicoli Tesla is the most important invention of the 20th century. Without it there would be no electric power plants, few motorized appliances, no computer hard drives, and a thousand other products that use A.C. motors.

  2. The ipod!!

    Also, the TV and cell phone...

  3. well i was talking about this with a few friends and we decided it was between a container(very general) and a box(more specific)...think about many things that people use come in some sort or packaging or would you transport that new tv without damaging it? put it in a box.

    what does your new phone come in? a box!

    hope this helps : D

  4. The wheel, without it the rest would have never happened

  5. Antiseptics....

    Joseph Lister.

    Without them people would still die in simple surgeries and childbirth.

  6. women

  7. phone,,, makes our communication easier

  8. The written word and the printing press.

    Before writing, all knowledge had to be passed down from generation to generation through stories. If your ancestors didn't do it or know it, neither did you.

    The written word helped spread knowledge, but there were other problems. Books were few and far between, and scribes were needed to copy the few books that existed. This limited knowledge to a few rich and powerful individuals, who used it as a weapon of control over the masses.

    The printing press made books and information available to EVERYONE. Education became more widespread, knowledge wasn't constantly lost, and people didn't have to spend their time re-inventing the wheel. They could build upon the knowledge of those that came before them.

    Think about how little you would know if you never read a book.

  9. The first modern, non trivial, great invention is the steam engine.

    It started the industrial revolution (notice the word 'revolution').

    The second great non trivial invention is the electric telegraph; it started the network and communications revolution.

    The third great invention is the light bulb, because people can live actively form 8 to 9 hours a day to 17 hours.

  10. The best invention in the past fifty years would be the microwave oven. Just think of life without it!

    The worst invention would have to be the nuclear bomb. Just think of life without it!

  11. probably wheel...its used everywhere.

  12. condoms

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