
Best job you've had? ?

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I'm in the process of looking for a job.Does anyone have any advice on good places to work? Full time, part time, daytime, nighttime, specialized, and jobs that can be done by an inanimate object are all welcome. Thanks for your input!




  1. Tip.

    DO NOT go into retail!!!

    People are a$$holes and even though sometimes people are really nice the bad out weigh the good in this case.

    Seriously don't do it, people today just love to complain and it doesn't matter if it's your fault or you did or did not help them they will still say YOU sold it to them and you will have to listen to them ***** about it.

  2. 2 yrs ago I use to work at a food food restaurant called "whataburger"

    I quit because they only paid you $50 every two weeks.

    4 months later, I got a job at k-mart. I worked there for one year, and I would earn $400 to $500 checks every two weeks.

    At the same time, I got a job at Hollywood videos working on the register and I would make $200 checks.

    Warning, Don't ever work at a fast food place. The managers treat you like c**p, and they pay you little.

    But I'm guessing the minimum wage today is 6.55 but in some places, they'll pay you 50 more.
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