
Best jobs for me????

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i am kind of confused. I want a high paying job. But the highest paying seem to be the most boring. I want a job thats exciting. To get an idea, i like law enforcement and military. I just don't know what to do. Does anybody have any ideas? O and also, i want to be more than just a civilian. I want authority. Anybody can help?




  1. wrong.wrong wrong.

    Things are a littledifferent in the military ,while in a cilivan career a highly skilled job would be payed more than a handyman job or a job that doesnt recuire much skill.

    The military pay and authority  is based on RANK and if you join the armed forces thats somtihng you will have to learn quick!

    you want authority you want pay you better bust your @$$ to make rank to alot of people its one of the single most important things.

    as far as what job you want first you need to chose a branch of the military you want to enlist in, study the jobs (like wich one move up quicker) and ask plenty of question on the job that seem to intrest you study for the AZVAB test and try to make a good score see what they offer you and make your decsion on wich one best suits you seeing how pay is equal at first!

    hope this helps a little  

  2. Follow your heart, not your wallet.  Money is quickly spent and forgotten, but the day after you spend it you still have to get up and go to work.

    You will never get authority from an entry-level job, whether it is civilian, Federal, or military.  You have to earn it.

    Here are some links that discuss jobs in each branch of the Military in detail; see if you can find one that you like:



    Air Force:


    Coast Guard:

    Of course, all members of the US Military get paid based on rank, which is majoritively determined by time in service.  If you have college credits or a lot of civilian experience, you can enlist at an advanced pay grade and rank.

  3. There is no "higher paying" job in the military.  You are paid based on your rank..not your job.  Maybe you are thinking about higher sign on bonus?

  4. be a marine corps mp or military police or teh army has the same thing u can also be a dog handler if u like dogs

    or be like force recon or ranger

  5. The military and police aren't high paying jobs when you start in them. After four or five years you can make a decent living, but you definantly won't be rich. If you go to college and then join the military as an officer you will earn a much higher pay check than with no college.  

  6. You want authority and money? Just run for office as a Senator. We don't need any more power hungry, mercenary-minded military people or law enforcement officers running around. You do the job because you want to and feel the desire to it. If you want to fatten your wallet and lord over your fellow man and be enthralled, be a movie director or P-Diddy.
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