
Best-kept secret?

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what does "best-kept secret" mean when it is used to describe a city, e.g. "Rotterdam: Holland’s Best-kept secret!"




  1. people just don't know the details on how fantastic it is. It isn't discussed or understood as much as it should...

  2. :0)  Vincent is pretty much bang on the nail...... wonderful advertising jargon (some call it nonsense)

    Basically it advertisers want you to understand from it, that there is a little gem of a town/place/attraction etc (in this case city) that is amazing and has much to offer, but is not well known by tourists.

    In actual terms it means that it is not well visited by tourists because for a good reason e.g. there is not actually much there to attract them in the first place (and no, I am not saying that is true about Rotterdam!)

  3. It's just marketing bull****, some agency was paid hundreds of thousands to invent a slogan to attract tourists and that's what they came up with....

  4. sounds just as weird to me as it must sound to you.

    i was tempted to write something really filthy...but i didn't.
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