
Best keys for my home? Please give me some options.... Thanks.?

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Recently, our neighborhood is getting more attention from burglars and teenage pranksters etc. Couple of the instances revolved around my house. In one instance they broke into a neighborhood house and spread all the stuff that they looted all across the neighborhood including my porch. Besides, I understood from our neighbors that this thing happened when they were in the house. Needless to say, I am a little worried for the safety of my family (primarily) and our belongings. With that said, I need some advise on good locks that I can use to protect our house. Currently our front door has a window near it which is not a good thing since then can break it and open the door if they have to... I need something that they can't really break. I am willing to spend some money (a few hundred $$)... but I really need safety for my family.. Oh and also I would like something which won't work with a bump key... also some dead bolt ones that they can't open through the window. Thanks!




  1. I would raise the side light along the door or do away with for locks.......just a good dead bolt will do......if your not going to take the sidelight can get a double keyed dead bolt............but I do not like them because you are putting yourself ant risk in case of fire...........I've been through a smoke fill situation at night and trust me you aren't who you think you are when will never remember the key........and if you leave it in the door.....that'?

  2. There are a couple things I would recommend.  I would recommend putting "motion-detector" spot lights outside your home.  When the lights detect motion, they turn on.  No burgular likes lights!  Secondly I would make sure to either have an alarm company come out to your home to make suggestions or give you an estimate for an alarm system.  Short of that, I would go on e-bay and purchase "Alert Alarm" signs and put them in my windows where anyone can see them and also a couple of the yard "Alert Alarm" signs for your yard.  Another suggestion is to put a "motion-detector" alarm on your patio (the kind like when you drive into your driveway an alarm will alert you someone pulled in - you can get at HomeDepot or Lowe's, etc.).  That way, anytime anyone breaks the beam, you will have an alarm (bell) go off.  You can always unplug the alarm when you are using the patio or turn the unit off.  A very good idea would be to call your local police station and have them come by to give you suggestions (they do this).  Since I don't know where you live or the stores in your area, calling someone in your town for advice and inspections would be great and the best place to start.  Give them a call now and good luck!  As for locks, your best bet would be dead-bolts.  You can purchase these at HomeDepot, Lowe's, etc.  They also have them for windows.  For the glass by your door, have a film protector put on it that will prevent breakage (kind of like a tint film but they have them in clear if you prefer).  You can also purchase a couple "fake" video camera's on e-bay and install them around the outside of your house, giving it the appearance of surveillence.  Good luck!

  3. You need to get yourself a deep/extended dead bolt lock. Any local lock smith can recommend the best one in your area. Also they have some great solutions for windows. Just get a few free estimates form local locksmiths and go with the best. You should get the deep dead bolt because they can't knock down the door with that one in it.

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