
Best kind of cigarette?

by  |  earlier

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What is a good smoke that has flavor, somthing like camel 9's.

and dont say stop smoking really. its quite annoying.




  1. champix tastes great

  2. mary jane, its not tabacco, its better

  3. Stop smoking, it makes your breathe smell like my dog Gizmo took a c**p in your mouth. Sorry it bad for you.

  4. the kind that is cancer on a stick

    which is all kinds

  5. newport shorts. the minority cigarette. lol sad but true

  6. Stop smoking. That is the best taste, even if you didn't want that answer!

  7. Stop smoking. Seriously.

    No really, before I stopped smoking (like 2 days ago, haha), I always smoked Camel Filters. BUT I do NOT endorse smoking. It's bad.

  8. Newports.

  9. capri

  10. Camel Wide Menthol mmmmmmmmmmmm

    I never cared for the 9's  I do however want to try the crush.

    I quit a year ago.  But I enjoy one now and then.

  11. I've never smoked as I interpret smoking to be a hidden health effect that you pay companies who have in turn paid top scientists/doctors to twist the truth or lie about the health effects. Every so often, such as everyday or every other day etc., you pay stores for sticks of carcinogenic tickets. I'm not saying for you to quit, though you should, I'm merely stating a reason that you're not heeding to what is possibly your ticket to other health tickets in the future. But hey, what do I know...

    One thing to note is that we're all going to die: hit the bucket, whatever you want to call it; yes, it's true. But before we do, how about we make something of ourselves?

    Good luck on getting the best flavor, or quitting.

  12. Stop Smoking.  ;)

  13. Have you ever smoked Newport's?  But you should not smoke anymore.  I did'nt say quit smoking.

  14. Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health.

  15. StOp SmOkInG pLz


  17. Marlboro  Smooths are the best cig. And don't dip SKOAL, its for pansies. Dip real mans dip, grizzly or copenhagen.

  18. Lol do i dare stop smoking smoking is bad mmkay

  19. The best kind of cigarette is the kind you don't smoke in my opinion. I'm not saying stop smoking, because I don't give a c**p who smokes and who does not. In fact everyone important in my life smokes.

    I think all the smoking restrictions and laws are dumb. If someone likes it enough to risk their life, then let them! Life is too short to tell others what to do, but I still think the best cigarette is no cigarette.

  20. smoking is too expensive

  21. fact every time you smoke a pack of ciggerates it takes 4 hours and 45 minutes of ur life from u i found this is true

  22. Winfield Gold

  23. Why?Smoking is lame.You better just quit smoking or else you'll have lung cancer

  24. all camels are good if you like flavor idk personally i like marlboro lights. yeah dont listen to the f***ers were all going to die someday so whats smoking going to do to you.

  25. Hmm.

    I think theres a lime flavor out. It'll go nicely with the tar in your lungs....

    At least I didn't tell you to stop, right??


    Yeaa, very nice indeed. :)

  26. sorry but

    you should see how bad smoking is

    please stop it will not be funny when you get cancer and youll be like "whats the best kind of flavoring of smoke?"

    would you like some hairy tounge

    or yellow teeth?

  27. umm.


    u need 2 stop smoking.

    because u might die!

  28. none. ur killing urself. congrats.

  29. Kools because of the soothing menthol

  30. camels

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