
Best kind of hamster to get

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i need to get a hamster but i need a small one and i want a dawrf. this is my first hamster and i want it to survive. what are some good tips...

best food





please reply i need your help




  1. Syrians are the best hamster. maybe you should reconsider for your first hamster. i like Crittertrail cages, sold at petsmart and petco. Petsmart only sells females. I get the edible houses and toys for my hamsters. I like Nutraphase food or animal planet goutmet. I do most of my shopping at Petsmart. Do not use pine or cedar for bedding.  I have found Carefresh to be the best choice in bedding, as they aren't carrying Super shavin's anymore.

  2. mixed seeds and salt wheels

    Not wood chips get shavings ONLY

    little wooden ones to help their teeth

    no tunnels___ they can chew through them

    females are easy to handle

    Take my advice, really

    P.S  cheerios are good treats !caution! no more than 2 a day

  3. My friend has a dwarf hamster and it is so adorable!. Im certain that getting a female hamster is better since they are more affectionate than males.

    As a toy, you should get it one of those balls that you could put the hamster in so it could roll around the house. They sell them at Petco and they look like this:

    Excersize wheels are good for your hamster too

    And my friend bought this cage which her hamster finds very enjoyable:

    This hamster food is very good too:

    Any bedding will do


    Make sure your hamster always has a bowl of clean water and food. Hamsters should not be held for at least half an hour after getting them because they need time to get used to their new surroundings. Hamsters enjoy being held but if you hold them too much they tend to bite. For sleeping, they do dig burrows in the bedding but if you're willing to spend the extra money for your new pet you should probably buy one of these:

    They work very well and provide your pet with a calm place to sleep. You should also talk to the people at the petstore about sticks to for your rabbit to chew on so that their teeth do not grow too large


    Good Luck To You And Your New Hamster!!! =]

  4. Best Hamster - I like Winter White dwarfs. They are communal so you can have more than one, and they change color in the winter. Russians are not evil...they can be extremely tame, but you have to work with them.

    Best Cage - I've tried several different types of cages. The best one I have seen so far is this one:

    Very easy to clean, spacious, and you can connect hamster tubes to it. They are also pretty cheap. I took out all the stuff inside of mine and replaced it with a snack Shack ( and a better wheel (Silent Spinner - - ).

    Best Gender - Males tend to be a lot tamer than females in general. I would get a male.

    Toys - Make sure you get them something they can chew on (like wood blocks). Hamster love tubes...even if they are not connected to anything.

    I recently got my hamsters a dust bath, and they love it.

  5. My first hamster was a robo dwarf, so I personally think you should get one(: He's nice, but he doesn't like being touched or handled very much. Robos are also the smallest and fastest of all hamsters. They do not get sick easily, but if they do, it's very hard to treat it back to full health. My robo is a still a very adorable, nice hamster. They are very active during the night.

    A possible beginning hamster could be Chinese or Campbells. They're are very cute and not as wriggly as robos.

    I feed my hamster Kaytee Forti-Diet for Mouse, Rat & Hamster. You can also get the Kaytee Forti-Diet, Dental Care. This is good for your hamster's teeth, while still giving it the right nutrients. But you may want to ask a worker at the store you're getting your hamster from what food they were eating while living at the store. You can mix that kind and a new kind, a kind you might prefer for your hamster, together.

    As for bedding, you should use aspen, NEVER pine or cedar.

    Toys can be up to your choice. It will most likely suit the hamster.

    Get a CritterTrail cage.

    But most of all, give your hamster lots and lots of love and respect. You will soon love your hamster, as much as he or she will love you if you take much care of it, which I'm sure you will.

  6. I had a hamster a really really long time ago. Her name was Snickers and I am like pretty sure she was a dwarf hamster. She was tan and white. And was the best hamster ever!! The pet people will tell you not to handle your new hamster for no less than one week and many people don't listen. Well... I did. I put her in her cage and let her be. Then after when I would take her out she was perfect! We NEVER EVER EVER got bitten. She was so cute I loved her! She lived for 2 yrs and died when i was like 8 which was a horrible day :( but I can only answer your toy, cage and gender. Hamsters LOVE these balls:

    Put it in and they run around the house and can adventure. (Just make sure if you have a dog or cat put them in a different room!! We had just gotten a beagle pup at the time and she always loved to 'play' with Snickers haha) Also get some tubes and stuff so they can crawl around. Like a hamster jungle gym.

    Cage get one with bars. Worked really well for me!

    something like

    Gender get a girl. Guys have balls and they are all saggy and like hang there haha. Buy a girl!! Snickers was a girl.

    Snickers loved little hamster treats so buy some of those... and i really hope i helped!!!!!

  7. 1) If you want a dwarf, get a chinese. Russians are evil reincarnated into a furry form

    2) Whatever they are currently eating already when you get them. Changing the diet can cause wet tail, as sure fire way to kill a hammie. (though chinese dwarfs seem less likely to develop wet tail from the years I've had them)

    3) ASPEN. If you use cedar or pine I'll personally come beat you up, lol. They are HORRIBLE for hamsters because of the aromatic oils and can damage their lungs, cause irritation, & death. You can also use carefresh, though its more expensive

    4) money you could ever spend for your hamster; & anything crunchy but non-wood related. They don't  naturally chew wood in the wild, & it can splinter. When they ingest a I've seen too many people's hamsters bleed out from  bad chew toy. Go with tasty twigs. Hammies love them, they're colorful, and best of all, no splinters. Also, a free toy they all love...toliet paper rolls. They can chew it up, mangle it, hide in it, make a bed out of it & its always replaceble. ^_^

    5) Go with any "my first home" cages or critter trail brand for DWARFS. Critter Trails (normal size) have 8 million ways to escape, and the rest are all cheap.

    6) Debatable, but Id have to go with male. They have some "baggage" in the back, but other than that they seem to be a little slower and lazier than females (unless you like hyper & playful, then go female)

    Good luck & message me if you have anymore questions. ^_^

  8. we just purchased two hamsters last week, a teddy bear and a dwarf, we dont have them in the same cages though, they will fight. but the dwarf wont stop biting us while the teddy bear hasnt bit us once.  the teddy is a female and the dwarf is a male, now named blade. i just want to tell you to make sure you get something for them to chew on so their teeth do not get too large for them. We purchased some wooden sticks at the pet store, and some swiss cheese looking chewies, which the dwarf really sinks his teeth into.  as far as the rest, research, research.  good luck and have fun.

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