
Best kind of weapon to have for self defence on the street?

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I'm heading back to my hometown, which isn't that great of a town as for crime. It's gotten worse since I've been there before. Anyways, even though I know the streets pretty good and have the smarts, as well as some martial arts training, I wanted to know what's the best weapon to have for a street fight IF I needed it. I was thinking of a kind of knife like a switch blade, but it would have to be fast to come out when needed, or maybe some brass knuckles since I can punch pretty good already. Just, my dad was jumped a few months back by two guys with a baseball bat, and I'm not that confident in my fighting skills against those odds. So what 's a good knife to have or something? Hopefully I won't have to use it though.




  1. a knife or a really realistic looking fake gun.

  2. roll of quarters. hold it in your fist and it will reinforce you making your fist hard and heavy. one punch from these and the dude will be KTFO. brass knucks are illegal, so if you do get caught then you are f'd. just carry the roll of quarters in your pocket. small, easy, and effective.

  3. If I were in your shoes I think I'd stick with the "Your mind" comment, but also in a real life sense "car keys" make a good weapon all the time. "Mace" or "pepper spray" makes perfect sense, h**l even a taser or stun gun device would be good for any female to use in almost any given situation.  From your avatar I can see that you're a woman looking for sound scientific answers to your question. A "pepper spray" stream sprayer is good for long distance shots while a "Pepper spray" fog sprayer covers a much wider area in case of multiple attackers like you dad faced.  Sprays are always the best "street weapon" that's why law enforcement and postal workers carry them.  I accidently got some "OC pepper sray" on my leg once goofing around with a can of that stuff and wow did it ever burn my skin.  It took a good three hours for the burn to go away although I didn't flush the area with vinegar or anything I just let it waer off naturally.  Most good "OC pepper srays" have UV dyes in them that if sprayed on an attacker's face won't wear off for weeks no matter how much he washes his face.  There are all knids of different types of sprays out there. They even make "pepper foam" which sticks to an attacker like clue and is very hard to get off.  There are some hand gun styled devices that make a loud bang and shoot small little pepper balls as well that would scare the holy c**p out of any would be attacker if shot in the chest or face with such a device.  The burning sensation its self would make an attacker think that you just literally shot him with a real gun.  Do some research on pepper sprays and other OC pepper dispensing devices and see which one will work best for you.  OC pepper is a time tested product that never fails.

  4. Yawara- Basically the same idea as the roll of quarters...

    Knife- Just having it may be enough to make them back off if you dont want to actually use it

  5. no offense.. but to the people that say a knife that you dont want to use.. or a fake gun.... man if you pull a weapon you cant , or dont want to use... you will get hurt bad or killed... a stun gun or pepper spray, both work wonders... but not best used on someone you may run into again... the best thing to do is to hold your head high, look everyone in the eyes, be respectful of others, and stand your ground when people arent respectful to you... live your life that way.. and you will never need a weapon.... good luck, man.... treat people well, and dont take **** from anyone...

    i really cant believe all these answers from "fairytale land" .... it takes two people to avoid a fight... and only one person to create one... never create one, but always protect yourself first...  I hope you have a level head on your shoulders

  6. Well, if you're skilled and trained, a double edge knife or kubaton is pretty good.  If you're not skilled, than you should think about a crash course in Krav Maga or Combat SAMBO.

    The K-Bar is pretty much a friend to all military personnel, and it is a great stabbing weapon in addition to being strong and durable.

    I have included a couple of links, but really you have to know what you're doing with a knife to use it effectively.

  7. Someone said a 9mm. I own one myself, but don't have a concealed carry permit, so, the next best thing would be a folding knife. Maybe a Kershaw. They are well made and affordable. Train with it regularly to get familliar with deploying, opening, attcking and concealing. Also drill in conjunction with the empty (live) hand for grabbing, pulling, striking and parrying. Next best thing after a knife is a collapsable baton. Brass Knuckles if u can find them. Finally, there's stun guns, pepper spray and improvised or homemade weapons.

  8. a 9 mm.

  9. The walking cane or a yawara can be legally carried.  Anything else may be illegal depending on the local laws

  10. great answer your mind!!!!!

    seiously if you need to ask this question you need not to be in that situation

  11. defently the ''nunchaku'' nunchucks are a great weapon to have for self defence on the street however if you wish to use them against your opponent and not hit yourself then i suggest you practise alot with a practice pair, nunchucks can deal 2000 pounds of pressure its the deadliest hand weapon besides a gun also you dont always have to hit a person with them to scare them off just do some really fast really skilled tricks like bruce lee and trust me they will run.

  12. your mind

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