
Best long distance service?

by  |  earlier

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I live in Ontario, Canada, and want to sign up for a long distance service that charges monthly (Not a prepaid one) To call the within Canada and to the states. I also need to make sure it works with a prepaid phone line. What is the best long distance service that I could use? I've looked into and it seems to be the only good one I could find so far.





    Best of the lot!

  2. From what I read on their website, (Telehop) looks like a very good deal, as far as direct-dial long-distance carriers go.  At 3.0 cent/min calling, that is a good deal for a "Land-Line" based LD calling alternative.

    Only caveat I can see is the $3 minimum charge per month.  But, if your monthly calling habits exceed $3/month, then the $3 minimum charge is waived and you are only billed for actual calls made.

    I don't see anything wrong with it.

    Only someone with actual experience with the company can give you advice on quality and reliability.  But, it is pay as you go, so I don't see how you can go wrong as far as land-line LD service goes....

  3. The company I go through only costs me 9.99 a month and I can call Canada, anywhere in the United States, Puerto Rico, Hawaii.  They are in Canada to.  I tried to see how much it would be for you, but I didn't know what part of Canada you are in.  It looks like it's divided in 4 parts. Alberta, British Comumbia, Onatario and Quebec..  I didn't know your postal code either.  If you'd like me to see if you have the same rate, email me and I'd be happy to check on that for you.

  4. yes....the is the best and cheapest!!

  5. Go to Loblaws and buy yourself a PC long distance card. You cannot get better rates than that. Trusted compagny, no catch you can even call from cellphones, public phones just anywhere!! for 5 bucks you get more than 2 hour in canada/US

  6. I will get this  next year for sure. if you have it let me know how it works.

    have you heard about this magicjack? . the source is from Canada i didn't have it yet.. cost 39.99 plus shipping is maybe it's depend in what states are .and the cost is 19.95 yearly it's unlimited.

    take  a look here for More info.

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