
Best medicine for Horse's Inhaled Allergies?

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My horse has inhaled allergies. He is outside most of the day and in his stall at night. His nose is CONSTANTLY running and I am always wiping it out. This is causing him to have trouble breathing. While I cannot remove the cause, since it seems the field and the stall and everything this time of year is the cause for him, what can I give him to relieve this? I have a bronchil medicine I can give him, but that would require an injection every day and I hate to stick him with needles unless he has an infection.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

BTW... he is a quarter horse and weighs about 1200 lbs.





  1. Where I work our horses have the same problem.  We give them oral antihistamine in powder form HistALL.  You can find it on any website that carries horse supplies.  Definitely more inexpensive then an injection.

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