
Best memories when you were on acid or lsd?

by  |  earlier

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or any other psychedelic drug




  1. I was a cat once.

    On the beach.

  2. That time when i died of an overdose was pretty trippy, man.

  3. Watching my friend jump off of a cliff, doomed to paralysis for the rest of his life.  Don't mess with that s**+*.

  4. Oh man it was a trip I was taken to a mental hope from lack of brain cells

  5. At a random small festival in upstate ny when I first met Wookie Foot. They took the stage shortly after dusk. L was winding down, mushrooms just started peeking. The message, the people, the vibe, the energy and the truth opened spiritual floodgates for me. Everyone and everything was connected. Mysteries of the universe became clear as day. It was like there was a collective consciousness and everyone was aware of it.

  6. huh, what did you say? I forgot the question. Sorry, I did too much acid and don't have many brain cells left.......or maybe that was right

  7. dude

    i was at a bjork concert i downd entirely too many hallucinogens ad i was standing on like this taaaaall metal structure thingie looking down at the concert which was outdoors in a canyon and i was seeing all the vibes flow from me but like layered one on top of the other like nets all flowing out into outer space and into the canyon. Ive also had trips where i see things "breathing" like expanding and contracting...

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