
Best mobile virus scanner?

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Best mobile virus scanner?




  1. Kaspersky 7 Anti virus

  2. ZoneAlarm by Checkpoint.

    Provides a trusted/internet firewall protection. So when you go place to place, it will still prevent a user from that same location from hacking your laptop. Another perk, 3 License key per purchase. It's $50 and you can apply up to 3 PCs; your home PC, laptops, etc. It includes a bunch of other features,  in any matter... I recommend Zone Alarm.

  3. Asked like that, your question is meaningless and cannot be answered. You have to provide more information.

    For instance, what kind of mobile device do you have in mind? Most mobile phone models cannot be infected by a virus - and no anti-virus programs for them exist (or can exist), either.

    Furthermore, all "what is the best" questions are meaningless, unless you specify the precise criteria that are of most importance to you. Detection rate, disinfection rate, quality of disinfection, speed, memory footprint, features - these are all important properties of mobile anti-virus programs - and, no, no anti-virus program is "the best" according to all of them.

  4. there is really no need of antivirus if you are using a symbian based smartphone. you just have to be little careful, you can keep your phone virus free by following some simple principals.

    accept files only from a trusted source. Don't allow your phone to connect to a unknown party. don't install suspicious applications

    i am not familiar with windows or palm or other mobile operating systems

    so in case of windows/palm mobile i'll suggest you to install a good antivirus.

    you can try kaspersky, it is the best antivirus i ever used on my computer. i also used it on my symbian mobile, and i am very much impressed with it.

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