
Best / most popular video game in Japan right now? Need recommendation for gift.?

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I want to get my good friend a nice gift for his birthday. He really loves video games and has a "universal" PS2, Nintendo Wii (purchased in the US), and Nintendo DS (purchased in the US). He is in his mid 20's.

I'd like to get him a game that is currently popular in Japan, hasn't been released in the US yet [or ever], and will work on his consoles. Can someone recommend to me any games for these systems that are currently popular, or received amazing Japanese reviews?

He enjoys watching anime, has played Final Fantasy in the past, and has really enjoyed Zelda and Mario on the Wii. Thank you.

Please stick to the question at hand.

Any information regarding this topic is greatly appreciated.




  1. Pokemon Platinum.Will be released in 13 September.

  2. You're so kind lol. Does your friend know Japanese?

    I think Kingdom Hearts 3 might be out in Japan, but Idk for sure.

  3. Final Fantasy X or X2 Internation since they both are Japanese games and are spoken in Japanese.

  4. I'd suggest looking for one of the Fire Emblem games. I know there are some that have only been released in Japan, and will stay there. If he likes anime, and Final Fantasy and such, he should love this game. The genre is very fun, and extremely popular.

    If you have any more questions about this or gaming in general, contact me or one of a number of other games at:

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