
Best & most reliable transportation from JFK to Manhattan?

by Guest64912  |  earlier

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Can anyone recommend the best shuttle bus? DO NOT RECOMMEND SUPER SHUTTLE! I tried them last time & waited at the airport for 2 hours before finally being picked up. Wrote a letter & emailed Super Shuttle & never received any response. Looking for realiability most of all. Thank you all.




  1. try

    it cost around $17 for one adult.

    you'll get a $2 discount if you reserve online.

    im pretty sure its reliable since its 'the largest group of airport ground transportation worldwide'

    good luck !

  2. The Subway. 2$ flat fair.

  3. I can't say much about the shuttle buses, but this could be a very good alternative to consider...

    The AirTrain and Long Island Railroad are a great 1-2 punch.  The AirTrain runs every 2-4 minutes, but only every 4-8 minutes in off hours, which is still really good.

    The LIRR between Jamaica and Penn Station just runs...forever.

    There are also all the escalators and elevators you'll ever need at Jamaica to get between the AirTrain and LIRR to make luggage movement simple.  After all, this AirTrain was built with air travelers in mind!

    Cost?  With the AirTrain always at $5, total costs will be:

    $8.25 - Saturday and Sunday; select "CityTicket" for Long Island Rail Road, $3.25

    $10.25 - Weekdays, all hours except inbound peak (Penn Station arrivals between 6 AM and 10 AM).  Select $5.25 "Off-Peak" LIRR ticket.

    $12.25 - Weekdays, inbound peak.  Select $7.25 "Peak" LIRR ticket.

    You also have the option of taking the subway, which is surprisingly convenient.  $5 for the AirTrain, and $2 for the subway; my recommendation is the E train from Jamaica for most parts of Manhattan.  Luggage should be fine; I've frequently carried large TV camera bags on there with no problem at all.

    Hope this helps!

    EDIT: To answer a following poster, the subway does not go directly to JFK; that's why the AirTrain was built.

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