
Best moves for starmie, crawdaunt and blissey in pokemon d/p?

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Best moves for starmie, crawdaunt and blissey in pokemon d/p?




  1. Starmie:

    - Psychic

    - Hydro Pump

    - Thunderbolt

    - Surf


    - Crab Hammer

    - Surf

    - Pursuit

    - Body Slam


    - Softboiled

    - Thunder Wave

    - Seismic Toss

    - Ice Beam

  2. go 2 smogan  theres lots of movesets 2 choose from

  3. Starmie:

    - Surf

    - Ice Beam

    - Thunderbolt

    - Rapid Spin OR Grass Knot OR Recover


    - Seismic Toss

    - Softboiled

    - Sing OR Thunder Wave

    - Ice Beam


    - Calm Mind

    - Thunderbolt

    - Ice Beam

    - Soft Boiled

    Don't have much experience with Crawdaunt though.

  4. ♦ Crawdaunt @Choice Band/ Life Orb/ or Leftovers.

    ~ Crabhammer  (Signature move that is perfect for Crawdaunt)

    ~ Crunch  (Great STAB)

    ~ X-Scissor  (Hits opposing, bulky, grass types like Tangrowth, Meganium, Bellosom, Vileplume, etc)

    ~ *Aerial Ace/ Body Slam/ Swords Dance

    * If you want Choice Band on it, drop Swords Dance and give it Aerial Ace to hit Toxicroak and Poliwrath as they are the only ones that resists the rest of your moves. The rest is self-explaining if you choose Swords Dance.

    ♦ Starmie @Life Orb/ Choice Specs

    ~ Grass Knot/ Psychic/ Rapid Spin

    ~ Ice Beam

    ~ Thunderbolt

    ~ Surf/ Hydro Pump

    Choose Rapid Spin if you feel that you need a spinner to take out Spikes and Stealth Rock. If not, then choose Grass Knot to hit Electrivire and Tyranitar in Sandstorm. Psychic is another STAB option. Surf is good. If you choose Hydro Pump, you'll be getting more power, but less accuracy.

    ♦ Blissey @Leftovers

    ~ Seismic Toss/ Ice Beam

    ~ Aromatherapy

    ~ Thunder Wave/ Sing/ Toxic

    ~ Softboiled

    If you can't get Seismic Toss, then go with Ice Beam to hit ground types like Dugtrio, Donphan, and Garchomp on the switch. Sing could be used, but it is quite risky. Toxic hits those ground types that think Blissey is running with Thunder Wave. You can take out Aromatherapy for Thunderbolt, but this is not recommended because Aromatherapy heals the status conditions that teammates might have.

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