
Best natural way to get rid of fleas?

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When one of our neighbors in the apartment building moved out, they seemed to have evicted the fleas, who in turn decided to move in with my husband, me, our 2 year old son and our cat. Now we are infested with fleas (Our cat is strictly indoors).

Is there a natural home remedy that is child and pet safe? My son has flea bites on him, so does my husband....but for some reason I am unbitten. Our building manager refuses to pay for an exterminator and won't let us use a fogger. Any ideas? I think kitty is sick of flea shampoo baths every single night.




  1. i have used borax and spread in the the carpet rubbed it in, and it kills the fleas it works really well. once you put it in the carpet rub it in, then you can vaccum. this cures your problem. i would remove your son while you do this, but afterwords as long as he wont l**k the floor you should be good.

  2. mud bath works

  3. I would use the fogger, how would your landlord know you even did it

  4. I used something called Flea Free, it got rid of everything.  They're all natural products that really work.  Just do a search for "natural pet remedies" & you'll find it.

  5. The only thing that I have found that works is to fogg bomb the place. You, hubby, child and cat needs to be out for atleast three hours

  6. Flea baths every night can make your kitty sick.  There isn't a great natural remedy, fleas are extremely tough to get rid of.  You need to get a product from your vet, frontline plus works best, it will kill fleas/eggs on your pet for a month.  Do not buy the cheap stuff at the grocery store or you may encounter more problems than fleas.  Flea bombs may not be the best thing because they go up and come down, not getting under the couch or down the hall.  An area spray would be ideal, that way you control where it is going.  

  7. blue magic grease black people use it that why we dont get fleas ticks lice etc...

  8. The best stuff you can you is to put the flea medicine on the back of their necks.  That has always helped my cats the best.  Fog bomb the house and use a flea comb on the kitties if its just worst than that.  Dont forget that if you cat eats the fleas then they can get worms, so take care of your problem quickly.  Good luck, that problem used to drive me crazy.  

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