
Best non hazardous way to get rid of spiders?

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there are tons of spiders in my house and basement how can I get rid of them without introducing something harmful to my young children such as harsh chemicals.... etc....




  1. Do some cleaning in your house.  Get rid of old papers and cloths and whatnot, and dust-as that attracts spiders and other insects to live and hide.  Then do as I and that other yahoo answer does...while you vaccum the place vaccum the spiders up too.

  2. This may sound disgusting but the best natural way would be to introduce their predotors into your house, ie centipedes. I hate centipedes personally, but if you do not mind them you can let loose a couple into your basement and they'll get rid of your spiders in no time.

    Or whenever you see one you can get some toilet paper or this little bug sucker and then let them loose outside.

    Also, maybe you can find the momma spider around somewhere. Kill her nest and find the nest of a couple others and you wont have so much later on.

    And spiders come out during this time in the fall and in the spring so get ready to be seeing a lot :P

    Or just learn to live with them I guess...spiders are everywhere I really don't like them either but I guess we just gotta accept that they're here ;)

  3. I like to use the vacuum cleaner. lol. I just walk around lookin' cool with my gun (vacuum cleaner) and suck 'em all in.  

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