
Best off ice training?

by Guest66623  |  earlier

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I already take ballet, but do you think pilates or yoga would help?




  1. i think the best off-ice training is jumping or running.

    if you put on some sneakers and go jump somewhere. i can guarantee your jumps will get higher. running is good for your muscles too.  i always stretch and jump myself and i can do all 3 splits and land all of my double jumps.

  2. I can do all of my doubles also, and I agree that jumping and running will help, but I also do pilates. I stretch and am also, able to do splits 3 ways. I think it is important to be in shape, and be an ATHLETE. Good Luck and Have Fun!

  3. Actually, there are lots of ways to help you in your figure skating off ice: PAID/ with charge   Gymnastics


                                                                 Hiphop/ jazz

                               NON-PAY/ free      



                            *you may also do streches*

  4. yoga is good. it helps you with flexiblity and balance

  5. So.......... you want to know if ballet, yoga and pilates will help ease your Meth addiction?
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