
Best people in the world?

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Best people in the world?




  1. everywhere

    its more how you are

  2. Best people in the world

    Some one who dose not hate people who are different from them just because they are different. Can be anyone, from any religion, country, ethnic background, color, social/economic status, clique, age group, life experiences, etc. and treat every one decently and how they would like to be treated. They do not use stereotypes and do not like it them.

    They are willing to stand up for what they believe in, but don't force it on others. They are willing to protect anybody, even lose their life doing so.

    They listen when somebody talks to them. They are generally pleasant to be around, and most people try to be one.

    They also come in the every day form who just try to help people when ever there is a chance, like those who give up a seat for the elderly, or help pick up someones stuff.

    People who are kind, respecting, helpful, and just all around a good human.

    Most religious leaders/founders were: Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Muhammad, Dolly Lama, the list goes on and on.

    Most founders of charities, hospitals, orphanages, relief centers, etc.

    Also an opinion subject to change depending on who you are.

    Most people want to be included in a list of the best people in the world.

    The best people in the world can come from anywhere and have any creed.

    There is no such thing as best people in the world and then point to the USA as the winner. There is also no such thing as worst people in the world either.

    Every country in the world has their good and bad. There are considerate people, selfish people, hateful people, gentle people all over the world.

    I am guessing you are quite young and haven't had the opportunity to travel or expose yourself to different cultures. This can be a highly enlightening learning experience and one that you might enjoy.




    Hindus are the best people in world

    I am 100% sure Mr. Bisvas does not belong to any group such as RSS because I have read on RSS site that "Muslims and Christians are integral part of India. Different way of worshiping does not change their forefathers and characteristics."

    I have many RSS friends since I was student in India but never face any problem. Whatever they want to say they talk openly and so they are 100% better than pseudo secularists. As far as Hindus are concern they are like sponge press and again it's come to same shape when you remove your hand!

    I admire Hindu brothers how they prevented their culture and values in last thousands of years even many people like Aryans, Mangonls, Turks, Iranians, Afghans, Romans and other attacked. Unfortunately everyone came here and mixed with Indian culture and forget their roots. This is one of the greatness of Hindutva. I am sure Mr. Bisvas either has some problems or something is black in the bottom. Anyhow, I just want to tell him that God/Allah/Bhagwan is great he never allows any one to create problems for other and whoever does so he punish them. Jews struggle a lot during 2 world wars and finally they migrated to other countries today they rule whole world. Hundus have great respect in all over the world including in all Muslims countries. I am Muslim and my 90% friends are Hindus. I sing Bhajans with Ghazals. I studied astrology for 2 years. I brought more than 30 Hindu engineers and IT specialist from India to Gulf. All of them are very faithful and always respect me and my religion not because I brought them but because of Hindu values. I also participate in their many religious occasions at home like Havan. Believe it or not I can sing many Hindu Mantra without looking at any book. Will it change my Muslim religion? No at all. God sent thousands of Prophets and Saints to teach us good deeds not to hate any one. Many things written in Koran, Bible, Torah, Geeta, Ramayana and Vedas for different situations and occurrence and can't be generalized at all.


    Mexican people are wonderful. Theirs is truly a multicultural society. They have met this head on and strive as a nation under one flag to work together for a free prosperous society.

    The Mexicans you meet will undoubtedly be hard working individuals with strong family ties. Mexicans are extremely family oriented. Children are adored here and much attention is paid to the old and disabled.

    Mexico has a rich culture, a fascinating history and is nothing short of magical. The people reflect this and do so matching western contemporary styles. You may see a young boy with baggy pants and a skateboard sitting at a computer terminal in an Internet café in a remote village while his mother, in traditional Maya clothing, waits outside.

    Something you may find surprising is that people want to talk to you. This will occur often. You will also notice yourself saying hello a lot more than you are accustomed to!

    Mexico is a complicated place. Many people have sacrificed their lives in the fight for freedom and equality. Ruthless invading forces have left bad memories and stigmas that still surface to this day.

    When you make friends with a Mexican you have a friend for life. Travel amongst Mexico's people and you will experience acts of kindness that will change your entire view of mankind.

  3. Indians.

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