
Best pet for my kid?

by Guest64412  |  earlier

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Hi. My son is 13 years old and wants a pet. He doesn't really take care of his fish nor our family dog. He says he wants a pet that doesn't require much attention but i'm aware that all pets require attention. I recently bought a turtle and love it, but i don't think my kid likes them much. pets we don't want : dogs,cats,turtles,and fish. We want something thats fun and entertaining. So which pet would you guys recommend? Thanks




  1. well if i were u i would get him a snake there great for a son trust me iam a boy and i  no

  2. RABBIT!!!!! but if you want low maintenance then you will have to keep it outside and have a large pen for it to run around in and then a hutch and take out the bottom tray so that the p**p and pee falls right to the ground and then all you have to do is let it run around in a pen for at least and hour a day and if it gets hot in the summer where you live on hot days put a frozen bottle of water in the cage check on it daily and one last tip from personal experiance DO NOT BUY IT FROM A STORE BUT GET IT FROM A BREEDER!!

  3. hamsters and guinea pigs are always a fun and cool pet.

  4. If he has no interest in caring for it, and already doesn't take care of what he has... I'd recommend a pet rock. No maintenance required. :)

  5. ferrets. ive never personally had one, but ive know people who have had one and they seem like fun pets. they're not very big and they are very entertaining.

  6. Hamster - they don't take up much space, they're low maintenance and fun to watch.

  7. A snake or lizard would be a good choice. I reccomend a ball python, they are really small at first but it will grow to be 6 feet! I am not sure if you want something this big in your house, but a snake requires minimum attention and they make great pets. Lizards are great as well, for a lizard I would reccomend a bearded dragon. They do not grow any bigger than a foot, well, they are smaller than one, but they eat crickets, and need medium attention. Both are great pets.

  8. well if you want something that doesn't need attention DON'T get a ferret, horse, dog, or a cat. I would recommend a hamster, or a ginnypig.

  9. I would suggest a gerbil because they are pretty energetic in their cage and love to run on their wheel. They put on like a gymnastics show for you! And you only really have to feed them once a day and make sure they have water. They also love to be held and go into the excerise balls and roam the house. AND THEY ARE FUZZY AND SOFT!!

  10. Get him a Chincilla. They're so soft and cuddly. I don't know if they liked to be picked up. But I'm not an expert, so this is what I recommend.

    You can also get him a ferret. They so cute. Get them a small bar-ed cage.

    Get him a young Chinchilla, and ferret, though.

  11. Rabbits! I reccomend the holland lop! they are friendly and love people! I also think that he will enjoy it too! I am 13 and i love it! They are so much fun, that he'll want to pay attention to it!

  12. try a snake or lizard.

  13. I have rats and they would make a lovely pet for a boy. They become attached easily, are very smart and playful, and don't smell provided you clean the cage 1-2x/week.

    Here's some good websites:

    As a parent bonus, they have a short lifespan- 2-3 years. You won't be stuck with something like a Chinchilla that lives 15+ years.

    EDIT: Rats do require attention, though- all small animals require more attention than you think. I would mandate that he takes care of the fish and some of the dog chores for at least a month before you buy him a pet- otherwise it could easily become your responsibility.

  14. Common sense should tell you if he dosen't take care of the pets you have now...then he's not ready for another. I'd wait. Do some research with him. Ask him what he's interested in. Then do more research. Your right about all pets requiring attention....he dosen't understand that though. Why make any pet suffer or stress yourself out adding to pets trying to find one he's going to take care of? A pet is a family decision...or at least should be. And everyone involved should be educated on what it takes to make that pet thrive. If one person backs out of the care of it, no matter what it is it will suffer. So think twice before adding another one. I know your trying to teach him responsiblity...but a living breathing animal shouldn't be the source of that teaching. Try giving him more chores to do around the house. Lol. But kudos to you for being a good dad! And what ever you choose to do..good luck!!

  15. Fish are among some of the easiest "beginner" pets, and you said he's not even taking care of that.  Why would you consider getting him something else?  You're going to be the one taking care of it as well, so that would pretty much make it your pet.  If that's the case, get yourself something that interests you and something that you would enjoy.  I think ferrets are terrific, but I don't know how well your dog might take to it.  You do have to consider how the pets you already have are going to respond to a new addition to your home.

    If your son thinks he should get a pet that is his responsibility, then he needs to demonstrate that he is capable (and willing) to care for the animal.  Give him other responsibilities around the house and tell him he needs to demonstrate maturity by helping.  He should be feeding and walking the dog.  He should be cleaning the aquarium.  If he wants another pet badly enough, he should be more than willing to work for it to prove he is ready for that kind of responsibility.

    My oldest son wanted a rabbit, and the only way that he was allowed to get one was to join 4-H.  If he wanted a pet, he needed to learn the proper way to care for it and become active with it as a hobby.  He's been in 4-H for 4 years now, and we maintain a small rabbitry together on our farm.  Same deal for my youngest and his chickens.  They have to clean cages and pens and feed and water daily (I do supervise and help with nail trimming and such).  If they don't want to do it, they don't have the priviledge of owning the animals anymore.

    Don't get trapped into getting a pet for your child that becomes your responsibility alone.
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