
Best pet to have?

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Hi all, i really want a pet like a cat but i think its unfair. I work from 8am till 6pm every day with about 40 mins at home during the day for my dinner. what do you think would be a good pet? i want something with abit of character, ie not a goldfish lol.




  1. a cat sounds good!, they pretty much take care of themselves anyway. The 40 mins at home at dinner is plenty of time to feed them and let them out/in. Rabbits are kinda kool, you can actually have them roamn around the house and have cages for them inside the house instead of a hutch outside. dog probably wouldnt be best choice as they get lonely, especially at the puppy stage, i remember when mine went crazy at night when i shut him down stairs, now he sleeps on my bed lol. actually, dogs are great, get a dog lol AHHHHH JUST GOT AN IDEA!!! A COCKATEIL AWESOME BIRDS!!!!

  2. Well to say, a cat would probably best suit your life as of now. They are easy to take care of and they can be very loveable. plus they can go a while without be looked after. A dog would be your worst pet do to its constant need for attention and it needing to be taken outside. And this would be hard for you when your only at home for a while then go to bed...

  3. well not able to see it v. much isn't fair on the pet itself. Maybe get one when you have more time on your hands.

  4. I would reccommend a dog.  Even though you're not home a lot of the time.  But when you are home just make sure you give the dog (or another animal if you go another direction) a lot of you loving attention.  Then it won't matter as much that you're gone for many hours a day.  And you can always put your dog in doggey daycare or something so that they are still happy and loved during the day while you're working.  Then you won't feel so guilty about not being home with your pet.  But, I think a dog is a very good companion!!

  5. Well, if you plan on keeping your pet inside you will have to train it (ex. dog to not leave 'suprizes on your floor' and cat to use the litter box) if you leave it inside cats will scratch your furniture also and if you leave it outside it may run away.  You need something that doesn't need alot of attention.   Maby a reptile, or an already trained animal.  Cats are good b/c after they grow up a little, they usually just lounge around all day.  But if you really want a dog, you should get two so they don't get lonely.  Any animal you get in a cage you will have to clean it at least once a week.

    So I suggest to you either a pre-trained pet, or a declawed cat.  Good Luck.

  6. If you can't see it alot, then i would get something that doesn't need as much attention. A hamster would be a good idea because they sleep during the day anyway. They are alot of fun and MUCH better than a goldfish. =)

  7. a hamsterrr :)

  8. A hamster is perfect for your schedule.  Since it's nocturnal, it would be getting up when you have time for it.  Unlike a goldfish, you can pick it up and play with it.

  9. a parrot dey ave loads of character trust me

  10. you could always get an african clawed frog or two, they are easy to keep but very cute to watch. they are a bit like goldfish in the way they live in water.

  11. keep a dog for you ?

  12. Chickens are by far the best pets to have.

    They pay you with an egg every day for looking after them, they eat all the scraps from the kitchen and are generally quiet.

  13. an Elephant. .. but you'll have to keep it outside and buy ALOT of food.

  14. Cockatiel! I just got one in may and I absolutely love her! She is social though, so they like to be out be people. They are very friendly and will love you! They sing and talk too, so cute!

    If you can let the bird out of her cage and spend some time with it though.

  15. get a pair of ferrets. let them out when you are at home and you will be very amused, then put them in their cage while at work so you don't have to worry about anything. you can house train them to litter or newspaper. getting a pair will ensure they won't get bored while you are at work, and they are the funniest things when they are out. they jump, run, and steal things, even when they are older. keep their bedding and litter clean and you won't have to worry about the smell. and like any animal, they aren't mean if you socialize them.

  16. A rabbit or guinea pig are easy and fun. Also they have a lots of personality. I have a bunny and I love him

  17. I dont think you should get a dog!! I love them but they need a lot of attention and will bark if they get bored!!

    Cats are great because they are quite independant and love to snooze all day long. But if you get a kitten it needs a lot of attention in the beginning and will also need feeding small tiny portions about three times a day..

    A rabbit or ginea pig is brilliant really. Rabbits can make incredible pets, they are a lot more intelligent than people think!

    Enjoy! I always have had pets of various kinds and really have enjoyed their company.

  18. Get a cat, they pretty much take care of themselves. They are good cuddlers too.

  19. just a dog

  20. I think you should get a toy or miniature poodle.They can adapt to your life style and plus they are fun and loyal!

  21. a tortoise... it isn't very smart but they are pretty nice

  22. doggey even though i hav like 39 other animals

  23. A dog or cat.

  24. Cats stay alone for a long time. Try a cat, if you really wanna have one. You'll see, it's going to be ok, as long as you keep food and water nearby.

  25. a cat is a good pet to have if you are going to be away. Cats are idependant and and enjoy their free space. They will usually spend hours outside, sleeping and grooming. They are more able at looking after themselves than dogs.

    So do not get a dog.

    You could get a rabbit, or small rodent?
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