
Best phone for a teen girl???

by  |  earlier

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ok, i have to buy a cell phone for my 13 year old (girl) because i'm going back to work and she's going to be bounced around a little (buses, friends houses, etc) and i was wondering what phone would be the best. here are my requirements:

1. must be added to a verizon family plan

2. no cheezy firefly phones or pay as you go (quote from daughter)

3. must have camera/video recorder

4. something cool/hip (haha)

5. must have texting

6. preferably has a music player (doesn't have to)

ok, i know some people are against this, so am i, but i want to make sure my kid is safe and can use it in an emergency. she asked about the chocolate (phone) does anyone know about this? is it good?




  1. the chocolate 2 is a really good phone for just what you are looking for.  

  2. env2. It rox: You  daughter would love it! My aunt has a razr and says that it is very crappy/S****y. so don't get  a razr. env2!

  3. i had that one since it came out i love it and my friends have too! i also love the voyager thats my next phone fell in love with it last night one of my friends got it and i was looking at it pics are so clear and records well for a while i jus t love it! razors kinda old but i also had tht and know thats a cool phone why dont you and her go to a verizon store the worker will be able to help and she can have her say!great idea and great age to allow it! i see 8 yr olds waling around with there cells lol i think that is crazy

    hope i helped!

  4. the env2 works great

    my boyfriend had the first one and he loved it but then it broke haha from water damage now he has a phone its like a razor but you can open it so it has a full keyboard as well so its like a razor/envy. i loveeeeee that one i forgot what its called though. that has a music player and wicked good video recorder and camera. the front of it is touch screen for the music player. its great

    but make sure you get unlimited texting or else your bill is gunna be HIGH

  5. An En-V is awesome! I have it, it has a full keyboard (soo easy to text) it has a music player, and it takes photos and videos.

    It also has many more features!

    there are two types of env's

    1. there is an old version (which is what I have, but it is still great!)

    2. there is a new version that just came out

    here they are~

  6. i think you should get her the LG enV2 phone it has all she is looking for and it opens up into a full keyboard for texting the chocolate phone is so out plus it sucks on service get her what i suggest or the iphone she would love either one

  7. env2 !!!

    its verizon and a flip phone with a full keyboard and its so easy to text on and it has a GREAT camera and video recorder and its really cool =]  

    im not sure if it has a muic player it might.

    but as for music players having an ipod for that reason is a better idea.

    the chochlate is ok... its nice but doesnt have a full keybord and it does have txting but Env2 is wayy better for txting and the choclates kinda old but it does have a music player.

    env2 also has a regular phone keybord on the outside so if she wants to txt on a full keybord or regular phone one it has both!!!!  you can accsess all its features without opening it! its an AMAZING phone and she would love it. and it comes in two colors black and maroon! =] and you can change the menu settings and stuff and its really cool!

    (btw im 13)

    env2 - in black)

    env2- in maroon -red)


  8. the best phone for your daughter is probably the env 2 i have it and i love it!! i used to have the chocolate, but i didn't really like it and it doesn't have a full keyboard but your daughter wanted texting. the env2 has all the requirements that you need!!

  9. ok hi im 12 myself i had a crome razr but wat u should get is a phy kick if u hav tmobile or if u dnt get a lg sj-hine a razr or a chocolate or any slider  phone like nt a razr bt a rizr or a ummmm juke

  10. i have the enV2 and luv it. But if you are looking at the chocolate i would get the 2nd one to me it looks the most practical one.

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