
Best place for a holiday?

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What is the best holiday destination?




  1. Honolulu, Haw ii. Me and my family were there on vacation.Great beaches, good surf and alot of great hotels with wonderful views. I would also recamend the Grand Canyon. It makes you just want to sit and look for hours and hours. Great hiking and good resturants.~

  2. Berlin, Germany

  3. It would be better to tell us where you live and for how long you want to travel on your holiday....for example if you live in the US and can only travel for 5 days, we'll skip some great holiday destinations like New Zealand, Australia, Thailand.

    (which, btw are 3 of my favorite places to recommend!!!)

  4. you can try going to website that has customers reviews on the hotel in different country and cities.

    Personally, i think that going to holidays, hotels is the most important places as its the place for you to rest and re-charged after a whole day of travelling and sigh-seeing.


    writing reviews in their travelog also stand a chance to win a 3D2N free hotel stay.

  5. Florida,Mexico,Hawai,Colorado

  6. Get with a group of close friends and rent a beach house.  Or a fat cabin in the woods.

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