
Best place for anti Obama wallpaper???

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i am looking for anti Obama wallpaper like a NObama type wallpaper. any good sites???




  1. Hello,,perhaps Obama shite paper would be better,,with bush/cheney on the other side of two ply!!

  2. Look under your rock.

  3. In the bathroom at a Denny's.

  4. Try your Grade school where you are now!

  5. I havent found any Obama wall paper but i have found some of Bush the guy who sold us out big time

  6. I can understand people like to cheer for Obama, but putting up wallpaper seems to be going a little to far, doncha think?

    I would love to be watching "House Hunters" when they do the walk through of your house.  (By the way, maybe put it in a bathroom or the kid's room, but keep it out of the dining room/kitchen area.  It will probably act as an appetite supressant)

    ADD:  Sorry I misread.  Since we're on the same page, you could feature the Anti-Obama wallpaper in the kitchen if you wish.

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