
Best place for me to get away?

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I'm 24 years old female and I live in central IL . I'm looking to take a vacation alone to sort of spend some time figuring out myself (if that makes any sense). I really want to go somewhere I've never been (not chicago or st. louis) and I think I want to stay within the US, unless someone has a suggestion for elsewhere. Anyone have any suggestions? I want to go somewhere relatively safe, easy to get around, and laid back. maybe around 10 days. Price isn't a huge concern, I'll go when i have the money, but less expensive is always better. Thanks for the help. Oh and I'm not really a super hot weather beach kinda person either!




  1. Alone time makes me think 'mountains'  try Colorado (Boulder, Aspen, or Fort Collins), Wyoming (Laramie or Jackson Hole) or Utah (Park City).

    But if you are wanting to 'figure yourself out' NOTHING beats international travel.  It is the best education you can get.  You will learn more about yourself on one trip then years of college.

  2. I think Lisa is right...about Nashville.  I grew up around there and it is awesome for a quick getaway.  The people are so friendly - it's about as safe as any place can be and the scenery and weather are wonderful!  

    Have fun wherever you go and do travel safely and stay in public places - it pays to be cautious these days!

  3. ok I can help you out here. I had a similar problem earlier this year, except that I do enjoy hot weather and beaches, but that wasn't the deciding factor for may vacation; though I'm not going anyplace cold either.  Fortunately for you that was my primary deciding factor for vacation. I decided (with help from my brother, who travels frequently) that later this year to go to San Francisco. I have no idea if you ever went there before, but it  seems to fit your criteria. The warmest month is September, average high 71F. Good luck in your decision making

  4. I would recommend Nashville, Tennessee.  We stopped there on our way back from Florida in April.  I was the only one of 5 people that wanted to stop.  The other 4 people whined and griped about going to Nashville.

    Once we got there, they all changed their tune.  They all said they wished we had left Florida earlier to spend more time in Nashville.  There is SO much to do there.  It is beautiful, laid back, and friendly.  You have the choice of doing your own thing and being alone, or you can go to one of the concert halls and mingle all night long.  I plan on going back soon.

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