
Best place in NYC to move to?

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This is under an ideal situation. If you had the money (not talking Trump money, but let's say a good paying stock broker type job). What is the best area in NYC to live. (as a newbie to the city).

Totally hypothetical. I'm not looking to move (as much as I love NYC, I couldn't live in a big city. lol)




  1. Um, there are still stock brokers . . . . maybe Harry's referring to how most transactions are now done online where you don't have much personal contact with the stock broker.  But they still exist.

    And, in defense of bad spellers, of which I am one, I'm guessing there are thousands and thousands of people living in the boroughs who don't know how to spell the word.  

    I'm a New Yorker and I'm ashamed to have Harry represent me in any way.  He does not.

    It is a hard question because it's such a personal choice.  I live in Carroll Gardens in Brooklyn and I absolutely love it there.  If I had the money, I might choose to buy right there.  But, of course, Manhattan has an allure all it's own, especially if you have the money to afford a comfortable amount of space.  I suppose I'd want to live by the Park, Central Park, on either the upper East or West side in a big pre-war apartment that has not been chopped up.  Top floor, while I'm at it.  Roof garden too.  Yay.

  2. probably in bayside, queens...its nice and quiet

  3. Long Island. Some of my friends live there and they love it!

  4. Downtown Brooklyn close to the city and its not the headache of manhattan traffic

  5. My friend, you could on Long Island, New Jersey or the Hudson Valley.

    Good luck

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