
Best place or way to buy a moderate price house or cottage in Italy, preferably in Umbria or Tuscany regions?

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I would love to move there from the USA for early retirement. A beautiful, place in an old village with views would be perfect. Best place to look on a budget?




  1. You are NOT going to get much for your money in Tuscany or Umbria.  Prices in these regions have increased so much in the last 10-20 years that it's hard to find anything decent on a budget.  To find a good price in Tuscany or Umbria, you'll need to buy something with a fair amount of restoration.  Restoration is a bit difficult to manage living in the US.  It would be easier if you lived in the UK and could get there for 20 bucks and 2 hours on RyanAir :-)  You'll also have to deal with the hordes of tourists that flock to many of the well-known hill side towns there between April and September.

    You'll get more for your money in nearby regions like Le Marche and Abruzzo.  The towns there are just as idyllic and scenic as the towns in Tuscany and Umbria for a fraction of the cost.  You also don't have to deal with the tourists and you'll get a more "real" Italian experience.  There's also more price appeciation capability.  You would be able to get completely habitable (no restoration) 2 bedroom properties in the €80K to €100K range in towns (or less in very small towns) that could be about 30 minutes from the Ski Resorts and 10,000 foot peaks of the Gran Sasso as well as 30 minutes from the beautiful Adriatic coast.

    Good luck!

  2. Umbria and Tuscanny are now quite expensive and overrated - Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia or Marche are just as beautiful and cheaper too. Piedmont offers you gorgeous hilltop villages nestled amongst Italy's finest vineyards. The food is wondeful and you are only half an hours drive from the Alps, Provence in France and the Italian Riviera - what could be better!!

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