
Best place to buy long range phone?

by Guest57738  |  earlier

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Can someone please tell me what the best place is to buy a long range phone? I'm not talking about an ordinary cordless phone or a cell phone. I am talking about one of those high powered phones that can potentially interfere with radio stations if you don't install them correctly. A lot of the websites that I was on are foreign and I don't feel to confident in spending a few hundred dollars on a foreign good. Does anyone know if there are any American distributors that sell these types of phones? The reason why I ask is that I have not been able to find a website that gives you detailed factual info about these phones. Also, someone told me that in order to use one of these, you must have a receiver in your house. Are those relatively simple to install or are they really complicated? Please respond only if you actually own one of these high powered phones. I apologize if my posts are getting repetitious, but there are simply no sites that give a detailed overview of the topic




  1. yes!!

    one of the best phones on the market is the Panasonic DECT 6.0!!

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