
Best place to keep your horse?

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1. boarding at a barn?

2. living at home with you?

3. with a friend/neighbor?





  1. Definately at home for me, however some people may wish to have the basics done by someone else and enjoy the companionship and riding but not the chores. It's all up to you.

  2. I like mine with me, so I can always keep one eye on them.

  3. In my opinion i think boarding at a barn because your horse will always have other horses around him and they will keep him company so he won't get lonely. and The stable hands will take care of your horse for you like feed him and clean the stall. I also think it is better to be at a boarding place because if you go on vacation or for some reason you can't get home to feed and clean your horses stalls, you won't have to worry about them getting hungry. Oh and if your horse starts getting sick someone will notice and they can call you or tell the barn owner and they can help your horse untill you can get there.And it will save you time to. I hope i helped

  4. I personally perfer a stable. Hopefully as close to me as possible.

    You are able to develop a network with the owners and other tenants who could be willing to keep an eye out for your ponies and have a knowledge of horses as well.

    When I am not at home during the day (or if I go out of town), their is no one else to see or watch my horses for me.

    At a stable, if something happens to my ponies, I know at least one of many people are able to alert me in an emergency (at any time of the day; their are always people out there), because they would expect me to do the same.

  5. Probably at home with you if you have acerage, but if you don't and your friend has acerage, that would be the 2nd best option, if not, then boarding at a barn is probably your last option.

  6. Home, in your yard!!!!!!!

  7. Living at home with you is always best. You can go out and see them any time you want, you can make sure they are getting the very best care, you can bond with them more, its just good all around.

    Boarding at a barn is okay if you don't have the facility to work with your horse at home. Friends and Neighbors fall in this category for me because I don't ever leave my horse at someone's place if I don't know them.

    At home is always best!

  8. For me, I prefer having them here with me.  But, I waited a lifetime to do this....have only been here three years, and always boarded my horses before.  I'm a grandma now, so it's different from when I was younger.  It was fun to be around lots of people who shared my interests and we rode together, etc.  So, that is an advantage to boarding.  Another is that your horse is cared for whether you are there or not.  It is harder to get away when they live at home, but at my stage in life, I don't mind that.  And I like having full control over their don't have that when you board.  My horses are the healthiest and least stressed that they have ever been because I can give them that now.

    I guess best is a matter of what you want out of it for yourself and your horse.

  9. this answer is different for every person. horses take a TON of time and total commitment to their care. personally, i work a full time job and cannot be home to care for my horses around the clock so the best place to keep my horses is at a boarding barn where their needs are being met and someone is checking on them 24/7. horses must be cared for every day of the year under every set of circumstances. just because there's 2 feet of snow on the ground doesn't mean your horse doesnt need to be fed, and when the water buckets freeze at 3 in the morning geuss what? you have to get out of bed and make sure your horse has a source of fresh water. if you're not willing to make that commitment then you need to look into a professionally staffed boarding barn

  10. Living at home with you is great.

    Being able to see your horse any time of day is really cool. But, there's not always a population of people around incase something goes wrong or a horse gets sick.

    Boarding is nice if you don't like the responsibility of taking care of your horse yourself, but in all of the experiences I've had, my horse wasn't taken care of to my satisfaction and the barn owner was feeding our hay to other boarders.

    So I prefer boarding my horses in the barn on my property. :)

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