
Best place to look for sponsorships for volunteer trips?

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I have just been accepted to volunteer, as an educator, in the Philippines for 6 months this coming summer through Global Volunteer Network. I am trying to raise $6,000 dollars for my trip. I was wondering what are some of the best businesses to look around as far as sponsorship goes? I work at a local YMCA in Danville, IL as an instructor. Would the YMCA be a good choice?




  1. the YMCA would be an amazing start. i would also look into major organizations like the American Heart Association or other groups that run mainly off of volunteers. they are usually the first people to jump at the opportunity to get their name public.

  2. Funding can be resolved if you have network of connection. Angles in your network can help fund trip like the one you mentioned. If you want a network almost overnight you may want to try:

    I just joined the website recently. GlobalLinker is a FREE website for small business owners and professionals to network and use free business tools (leads, groups, events, jobs etc) to increase efficiency and sales. allows small businesses to interact and network with other businesses unlike LinkedIn which is focused more on professionals. GlobalLinker also allows companies to generate new business through networking. They have patent pending technology and is the first company in the world that allows trust based exchange of business card on the internet. I hope this helps.

  3. Nonprofit organizations and businesses are overwhelmed with requests like yours. Just look at how often this question is asked again and again and again on YahooAnswers.

    First, you need to show how much YOU are willing to pay of this trip. People don't want to donate to a cause unless they know YOU are going to shoulder a lot of the expense yourself. Also look at ways to work a second job to raise more money.

    Next, ask family and friends.

    You can *maybe* get small donations from businesses or organizations -- a few hundred dollars here or there. But the local YMCA does not have a mission statement that includes anything about the Phillippines.

    When approaching organizations about funding, show how you will educate others about this experience -- will you maintain a blog about your experience? Will you reach out to communities of faith about this experience and be willing to do a presentation for them afterwards? What will you do help others share in this experience with you?

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