
Best place to move? Seattle, WA, Orlando, FL, or Phoenix Arizona?

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What is the best place to move? I've had a rough time here ever since I moved back home 2 1/2 years ago. I'm ready to just move and get a full-time job again and enjoy my life. It's stressful here in Illinois. Which would be the bst place for me to go? I love the outdoors and would like to be able to ride my bike or walk everywhere if I can.




  1. I would pick Seattle over Florida and Arizona. Its too hot in AZ and FL!

  2. I think arizona would be nice, but I dont have any idea about the economy there.

  3. It depends on what kind of outdoors you like.

    Seattle - rains 300 days out of the year, you can walk almost anywhere in seattle (less stress full and healthier than driving), no humitity, lots of bike riding trails.

    Orlando - good weather, lots of storms, theme parks.

    Phoenix - HOT HOT HOT!

  4. Florida has bugs and old people and hurricanes Arizona I lived 15 years it is to hot to ride your bike any place or even go swimming dry heat but still waayyy to hot heat exhaustion and scorpions and snakes black widow spiders. I have lived in Seattle for 20 years. and it doesn't rain 300 days a year lots of things to do and see snow or water or hot within 2 hours in any direction mild winters and summers live in the outer areas it is more cost effective.

  5. From a purely economic perspective, it would be best to choose Seattle, as the housing markets in Orlando and Phoenix are amongst the worst in the country.  Phoenix has one of the highest rates of defaulted mortgages due to the high number of retirees.  Buying a house in Orlando is cost prohibitive due to extremely high homeowners insurance due to hurricanes)  Also, from a weather standpoint, Phoenix is extremely hot and dry (don't believe the myth about "dry heat").  Also Orlando is very hot and dry (though afternoon thunderstorms sometimes mitigate the intense heat).  Only you can decide, but take it from a person who has lived in Orlando and spent a good amount of time in Phoenix...Seattle is your best choice.

  6. Well I'm a Florida native, so I'd say Orlando. It's a really nice city and Florida in general is just a nice place to live.

    I think Orlando has the best weather out of each of the places you listed.

  7. if you love the outdoors i would cross out arizona. you're stuck with pretty much 1 seasons there year round and its really hot, flat, and basically desert.

    orlando seems like a decent place, i can't say much about it because i've never even been to florida, but from what i here the job market in florida isn't too great.

    i would say seattle is the best for the outdoors. i think it's funny all these people are saying well if you like outdoors definately cross seattle off your list because it rains too much. yes, seattle has a reputation for rain, but people exaggerate it. i've live here all my life and really it's not that bad. you get to experience all the seasons pretty much. seattle is right next to the water, yet you can be up in the mountains skiing in just an hours trip. there are a lot of excellent parks and trails if you like biking or jogging as well. you should check out portland, oregon they're known for being the bike city - people bike everywhere around town there

  8. orlando out of those 3.

    do not, do NOT move to arizona if you like to be outside. and seattle, well it rains there a lot but if you dont mind being outside in the rain then that would be a 2nd option. but NEVER arizona...ever....

  9. well right now in Orlando its hurricane season and it has been raining 5 days straight but when its not raining (which is rarely) it nice here i have also been to Phoenix and it is HOT but there is a lot of outdoors stuff to there and for Seattle i hate the cold so yea  

  10. Arizona, i just moved here and was debating about here and washington.

    Washington is always raining and cold, cant get your tan on haha

    florida too humid, you get all sticky everytime you go out!

    Arizona is a nice choice, plus its way cheaper to live here

  11. I vote Phoenix, Az.  Its warm and sunny there and beautiful.

  12. If you wana see UFO's than you have to go to Phoenix

  13. I don't know how Seattle or Orlando are, but I live in Phoenix, AZ. You will not really be able to walk around here. It's very hot. Today is 115. The only real time that you can walk around is at night when the sun isn't beating down on you or early in the morning. I would say that around October to about April it's not to bad outside. You should visit the area your looking at moving before you actually move.  Good Luck

  14. DON'T MOVE TO FL!!! I live in fl and the economy is horrible, there's houses all over my neighborhood for sale because people are moving out of fl. Don't move here and if you have kids we have the worst schools.  

  15. It will come down to the type of climate you want.  If you want all of those outdoor activities then cross off Seattle because it rains.  Arizona and Florida are both warm climates.  However, I would say Arizona would be better for you because the heat is more dry.  Florida is much more humid and that type of heat is not bearable at times.  Another thing to consider is Arizona is still growing at large.  There is much going on and would be better than Florida because people go to Florida to retire.  The population in Florida is much much older.

  16. If comfortable year round weather is important to you then the obvious choice is Seattle. If you like to sweat then the other 2 would be ok. The ecomony is awesome in Seattle as well. Great paying jobs. The outdoors are very much a way of life in The Pacific Northwest.

  17. Well it depends on what kind of weather you prefer. Arizona would be sweltering hot and I've heard its not that tight unless your in college or retired, Orlando would be inbetween the two other cities as far as warmth, right now I think there's a HUGE tropical storm over there and thousands of people have evacuated the state lol and they have bis *** spiders and crocodiles (spelling lol?) but gorgeous beaches , it would def be fun there. However I'd go with Seattle just because I love the city life. It however rains a great deal of the time though but the things they have for entertainment make up for it! PLUS  you can live alllll over on the outside of seattle w/beautiful forrests all around and also pretty close to the coast as well but def not a warm lay out in the sun beach lol. If just depends on what kind of scenery you want and really the temp you want to live in lol! Arizona-HOT AS h**l!!, Orlando-mild to hot, w/poss of hurricanes and tropical storms, Seattle- rainy, cold, snowy in winters but very seasonal and some very nice summer days! :)

  18. Well, you can tell by all the different answers that it really is a matter of taste.

    I have lived in Seattle...beautiful, can be wet, but outdoor sports and activities are great.

    I have lived in Tucson, not the best for job opportunities, fall spring and winter are pretty nice weather wise. Summer is the monsoon, if you like that..Phoenix is a big frying pan in the middle of the desert as far as I am concerned but more job opportunities.

    Have not lived in Florida.

  19. Seattle hands down.

    Florida is just too hot and humid, Phoenix is too HOT hot, and it doesn't rain every day in Seattle like some would have you think, plus it has the best scenery.

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