
Best places to see in Northern Italy?

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We're going to Italy for a vacation 4 6 days, 5 nites..What're the best places to C in northern Italy?




  1. Venice !

    You can search not many expensive places for example with Bed & Breakfast VERY NEAR TO VENICE with nice prices.

    Good trip to Italy.

  2. Check out some of the tours they will help you make the most of your time

    Here are some great Italy trips all very affordable.

    Here is a link with several diffrent Italy trips. Hope this helps

  3. I would say

    1) Piedmont -This Italian region is fantastic and offers everything that Tuscany does but more, including – dare I say it - better food and wine. In fact the best Italian cooking and Italian food on the whole peninsular! Gorgeous medieval hilltowns wine routes and alpine peaks make this the most varied region of northern Italy

    2) le Marche - more central Italy but The Marches, to give the region its English name, is a scenically beautiful region of Italy and one rich in tradition and history. It is still relatively unknown outside of Italy. Towns like San Leo and Mondavio are superb -

    3) Veneto - home to  cities like Venice, Verona and Vicenza , with great mountains and lakes to the north and west .

  4. nah nah.

    I'm from Northern Italy , North East actually , and my advice would be...North-East! Why?


    - Verona , that's romeo&juliet's city and there are nice shops and an ancient roman arena , kinda similar to the coliseum but smaller and still being used as opera theatre and other big concerts.

    -Padua and Vicenza are nice too ( im from Vicenza) , Padua's university is among the earliest of the european universities and the second oldest of Italy , the Scrovegni chapel , the Basilica of Saint Anthony .

    Vicenza is the hometown of the architect Palladio , so here u can see its main works , such as the olympic theatre and the basilica palladiana.

    -Lake Garda

    - The Dolomites

    enjoy ur visit!

  5. In Northern Italy I would have to say Milan, Venice, Florence and Rome. Verona (where Romeo and Juliet are supposed to of come from) is great too. Florence is a must! It is just the prettiest little town.....:)

  6. maybe in afterlife

  7. i went to italy for 2 weeks and toured most of northern italy and all of north of rome.  best places to go are

    -turino 2006 olympics.

    -milano  fashion capital

    -a day trip to switzerland  (we went to lucarno)

    one of the many lakes (we went to lake maggiore  next day went to switzerland)

    -venice  cant miss that spot

    -verona Romeo and Juliet

    -Florence gold and leather

    -Cinque Terre  beautiful 5 towns along coast.



    some of the places u can do along the way from one spot to another.

    we only stoped in pisa, verona,  and a few other places but u can pic and choose which ones you want.  it all depends on the interests of your family.  for fashion visit florence and milano.  history any of them. but you all have to plan it out.  input is a great way to plan a route

  8. Hello, i'm Italian, i live in Neaples. Actually the most beautiful places to vst hea are Roma and Florence, i'm sure. In the north the best city is Venezia, in the north - east, wonderful, but very expensive ( but also the others great cities r expensive!). An advice? Do not visit Milan: The worst n less attractive city ever

    PS: sorry for my english!

  9. venizia, torino, cortina, or florence are nice

    rome too, but that's more in the south...

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