
Best places to shop for guitars?

by  |  earlier

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i'm looking for a nice but cheap guitar to play.

also, i want to get a saxaphone and clarinet.

any good websites or stores?




  1. if cheap is what you want try a pawn shop

  2. go to



    These sites have almost all kinds of guitars you might want to buy so good luck and hope you pick a good guitar.

  3. Go online and save, save, Guitar city online, will save you up to a hundred dollars, if you want somewhat cheap, toysrus. By the way there is a new social Site called, sign up and create a profile, tell all your friends, submit your music, write a blog, create your profile, remember its your world, live it.

  4. Try the prices are amazingly cheaper.

  5. Guitar Center is a really awesome store--I don't know if you have one where you are but their staff is awesome and they have everything you could want.  They have a huge website also and their prices are really good.

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