
Best places to travel in europe or united states?

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im looking for a place to go for graduation

i want to be able to go out and party and have a good time but i also love nature and stuff

i was thinking paris,france because i know french

but idk were do u think i should go ?




  1. If your going to Europe in the summer you should  definitely go to Spain(parties in July San Fermin,aka Bull RUN. Biggest 7 day party ever), Tomato fight , Lots of parties and stuff to do in the summer in Spain and around , France is nice all over , Switzerland (can't beat the scene of alps and fresh water flowing every where). What the h**l just do as much as Europe as possible. I want for 5 months and still wash i had more time there. Eastern Europe is Under rated. Parties are  twice as fun and really cheap. Croatia is the new Greece for the value. I went scuba diving for 25 euros. Save the united states for when yo get older, I mean you live here so it's just around the corner.

    what ever your choice have fun and be safe.

    hint: Don't say restrooms in Europe. They are call WC(wash closet) They just going to look at you funny.cheers

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