
Best places to volunteer my time?

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Well college is coming up pretty darn soon, and I have a pitiful list of hours I've volunteered.

Starting this summer, on my days off from work, I'm planning to volunteer at city-type areas while my parent's at work. Only problem is, my idea of volunteering involves soup-kitchens and the like.

so my question is: where are the best places to volunteer, and where are some fun and rewarding places as well? I'm fine with doing actual labor, but I don't want to be clawing my eyes out from bordom. And I dislike retirenment homes; they smell funny.

P.S. Also, how old do you have to be to volunteer for a political campaign? And where can I get info to do so?





  1. Ronald McDonald houses always need volunteers as do animal shelters, and the local humane society, aspca.

    Most cities have volunteer links on their website.

    Good for you. I volunteer to teach yoga to blind people.

  2. Political - sign up and let them know your background and that you are interested in helping. With your parents permission (if you are under 18), they'll help find a place for you :-)

    Animal Shelters are great if you don't get too attached and don't mind poo!

    Talk to some local Churches and see if any members are unable to take care of their lawn and do that for them.

    Your local recycle center could always use help!

    If you only lived near me, I have a million local places that would love to have you! Houston?

  3. Best place is at your local animal shelter. You'll make friends for life.

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