
Best plant for goldfish?

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getting a 10 gallon aquarium and we cant choose which plant is best for the fish. We will be having 3-5 goldfish in it.




  1. With 10 gallons, it can only hold 1 fancy goldfish, if you get a 20 gallon you can get 2 goldfish! Goldfish need 10 gallons...EACH! They get quite large, and like to eat live plants. Sturdy live plants like Anubis do well, or java fern because it has a substance that grows on the leaves that puts a bad taste in the goldfish's mouth so it knows not to eat it again.....well for 3 months until it forgets and eats it again!lol! Grass like plants do pretty well, the goldfish can graze on them but usually does not ea t*t all! Please do not put more than 1 goldfish in there! 1 fancy is really Max! Also, some ppl will tell you comet goldfish (Often sold as feeder goldfish) Will only get a few inches when they really get a foot!

  2. For a ten gallon aquarium I would not even buy one goldfish. A single fancy goldfish needs at least twenty gallons and proper filtration. A fancy goldfish can potentially reach six-eight inches in length. A common feeder gets to be about a foot long. When a goldfish is put into such a small space, it stunts their growth and stunts their lifespan. Not to mention the waste build-up that would occur in an overstocked goldfish tank would require frequent cleanings. The possibility of fish death increases due to the amount of waste that a goldfish produces.

    A better choice would be to go for tropical community fish. They stay smaller, produce less waste, and there is more color variety. Good plants for the tank are red luigia, water wisteria, and java fern.

  3. As mentioned by other answers, your tank is way too small for goldfish and they will eat any live plant you put in.  


  4. Please dont put 2-5 goldfish youre  wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy over stocked! 10 gallons isnt even enough for one. They get very large. I have 3 that are 10 inches. But yes probably a java fern for them.

  5. If you want any Goldfish, you'll need a bigger tank.  The common Goldfish you get for 13 cents will get more than a foot long, and the fancy varieites will top 6".  If you get a single fancy, you should be looking at a 20 gallon tank, and another 10 gallons for additional fancies.  For common Goldfish, I would start with no less than 55 gallons, and add another 20-25 for additional commons.  In a 10 gallon tank, something like Platies would be a much better choice, and come in similar colors.  Platies stay much smaller, will be much more plant-safe, and will be MUCH easier to care for.  A heater would be good, but not entirely necessary as long as you keep the temperature above the low 70's.

    Goldfish eat plants.  Period.  Very few are safe, but ones worthy of mention are Onion Plants, Java Moss, Java Fern, Anubias, thicker Swords, Hornwort, lilies, or leathery plants.  With Platies, just about any plants are fine as long as your lighting is adequate.

  6. a 10 gallon is not big enough for one gold fish, much less 3-5.

    after you get a tank the right size get a java fern to put in with them.

    if you put a gold fish in a 10 gallon its not going to live long at all.

  7. I'll let the others bug you about overstocking. :P

    Anyhow, java fern is supposedly pretty good with goldfish.

  8. The plant I use my fish just chomp down. It's called anacharis (You say it like this> "anockoris"). You can buy it at almost any pet store.

  9. Any plants they sell in pet stores are fine. They like to eat anarcharis though.  

  10. Hi, just so you can put the advice about getting a larger tank into context have a read thought the link below & it will all become apparent why large tanks are necessary for Goldfish. Regarding plants I have tried many & the only ones that seem to survive the ravages of Goldfish are Vallis, that said it's always nicer to have real plants in my opinion.

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