
Best plant for oil production?

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hi ppl just wanted to ask what would be the best plant to produce oil for biofules. preferably it would have leftovers that could be used for producing boigas. any ideas people ?




  1. The oil palm is by far the most productive plant for producing oil for bio-fuel. Oil yields per acre or hectare are the highest for bio-fuel. Jatropha, is another plant that produces a large amount of oil. It can not produce as large amount of oil per acre as the Oil Palm, but grows well in more marginal areas and requires less water.

    To answer your question about the "left overs" that could be used for producing biogas, many companies are going beyond using the oil from Oil Palm and are converting the entire bio-mass into renewable electricity, cellulosic ethanol, biogas, and bio-hydrogen. The following residues, which can all be used for the manufacture of bio-fuels, become available:  waste palm fronds,  empty fruit bunches,  press fiber (from the mesocarp of the fruit),  palm kernel endocarp, and palm kernel press cake. An oil palm plantation has the potential to yield a very large amount of biomass that can be used for the production of renewable products.

  2. Another seed producing plant that no one wants to talk about, that is easy to grow, the entire plant can be used in many different ways, the oil is healthier for human consumption, could also be used as a bio fuel and by weight the seed is 30-35% oil is.......hemp seed.  Somehow I don't think the feds are going to let this wonderful, useful plant go into full scale farming yet.

  3. Invade Iran

  4. Jatropha curcas.

  5. From a production standpoint, everything depends on the climate/ weather/ growing season. Name a place on the planet and the answer is a given. For all that we are better served by limiting our use of any fuel and working at/ funding more research into alternatives. H2 makes a better fuel and we have some interesting new possibilities to make it available wholesale right from water in situ and go directly to be used as power. Also, with the solar kilowatts that fall on the planet from our sun, there is more then enough power when we learn how to harness it. We would never have to burn again. It is a shame we have to rely on companies to develope a product with the returns from the manufacture of cheap capitalist products that themselves, though considered duable products are durable only in our landfills. The true spirit of craftsmanship (for itself) has died and the stink will ruin our planet. We have had the technology to make a better engine for a long time, one that lasts your lifetime but no one will make it because no one will make themselves the steady supply of unlimited wealth that comes from "buy and throw away, replace and throw it away". What will we do if we have no Jones to keep up with?" I'm not saying your question is not valid, it is, but it is an example of how we are trained to think, as in "where and what is the best fuel" when we need to consider how to live without all the fuel sucking extras and re-evalute needs. Then find a smarter way to achieve it without poisoning ourselves in such a "Curie-esc" fashion with Chernobyl like consequences. I'm sorry, I woke up in a nasty mood.

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