
Best players one on one???

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We all know Kobe lives for the one on one game and challenges but who are the best one on one players today




  1. MJ

  2. kart, go ILLINI(unc sucks deron willams is not the best because t-mac will kick a$$ if neede to

  3. I'd imagine LeBron James would be the best simply because of his size, speed, and strength. No other player in the league has such a raw combination of athleticism.

    Kobe obviously is a great individual player. I would think that Tracy McGrady, Carmelo Anthony, Allen Iverson, Dwayne Wade, Gilbert Arenas, and Kevin Garnett would also be good.

    The problem with big men is that most can't dribble well enough to play one-on-one. Their game is posting up and if they can't get to the post, then there's no game.

    The guys that are listed are just extroadinarily gifted players who excel at single-handedly lifting their team.

  4. I think Allen Iverson would be great at one on one. He is so fast and can get around almost anyone in the league. He also has great mid range shooting and can steal the ball from the league's best ball handlers.

  5. kobe and d wade

  6. if each shot counts for one, then lebron james over kobe, and both of them over ai

    lebron because he could kill either of them in the low post with his size,

    he would go over ai

    a missed shot would be his board

    however, if you're counting 2's and 3's, then kobe... he would drill l.j. with threes. l.j. is decent from three, but kobe is just plain stone-cold deadly from three.

    ai is past his prime.  

  7. Kobe, Wade, Lebron, CP3,

  8. Deron Williams can kill chris paul one on one.!

    hey stupid rocket fan tmac cant kick anyones a$$ anymore so shut you stupid bandwagoner just because artest is on the rockets doesnet me you think your the best DERON WILLIAMS OWNS EVERYONE!

  9. allen iverson with his deadly crossovers

  10. A I all the way baby don,t get me wrong you gave us some great match ups each player has his own strength and you could make a good argument for either of them I just like the quickness of A I  I have just watched him school so many people including Kobe it was funny because we all know what a great athlete Kobe is A I made him look like a chump and I know you all saw it and he does it to everyone no one in the NBA want, to guard A I ask Michal Jordan how he felt out in space trying to guard  A I he had this look on his face like this is not going to be good and he was right

  11. bring on the thumbs down but I say Shaq daddy no one could stop him one on one he is just to big and powerfull would just back his way in every time

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